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Hithlum was the domain of Fingolfin, the High King of the Noldor, on the west coast of Middle-earth in the First Age. Fingoflin gave the region of Dor-lomin to his allies, the Men of the House of Hador. After the Battle of Unnumbered Tears, Hithlum was occupied by Easterlings and the remaining inhabitants were oppressed. Hithlum was destroyed during the War of Wrath at the end of the First Age.
Hithlum was located on the western shore of Middle-earth. The Ered Wethrin bordered Hithlum on the east and southeast, and the Ered Lomin ran along the western edge of Hithlum. The two mountain ranges may have come together in the north. Hithlum had a cool, rainy climate and the winters were cold.
Hithlum was not considered to be a part of Beleriand. West Beleriand lay to the south of Hithlum. To the north-northeast of Hithlum were the Iron Mountains and Angband, the stronghold of Morgoth.
Mithrim and Dor-lomin were regions in southern Hithlum. Mithrim was in the southeast and Dor-lomin was in the southwest. The two regions were separated by a spur of the Ered Wethrin called the Mountains of Mithrim. The caves of Androth were in the Mountains of Mithrim.
Lake Mithrim was a large body of water in Mithrim fed by four rivers from the Mountains of Mithrim and the Ered Wethrin. Nen Lalaith was a stream in Dor-lomin that came down from Amon Darthir in the Ered Wethrin. There was a steep pass over Amon Darthir from Dor-lomin to West Beleriand. This was the only major pass in the stretch of the Ered Wethrin that formed the southern border of Hithlum.
There were a number of passes over the Ered Wethrin on Hithlum's eastern border overlooking Ard-galen. This great plain - which later became the desert of Anfauglith - stretched north to the Gates of Angband. Barad Eithel guarded one of the passes into Hithlum, and there were several other mountain fortresses.
Barad Eithel stood above Eithel Sirion - the source of the Sirion. The river flowed south through the Pass of Sirion between the Ered Wethrin and the mountains of Dorthonion and continued into West Beleriand.
West of Hithlum, there was a strip of coastland between the Ered Lomin and the Sea. The Firth of Drengist was a long narrow inlet on the coast. At the head of the firth was a ravine in the Ered Lomin called Cirith Ninniach, the Rainbow Cleft. A tunnel ran under the mountains and emerged into Dor-lomin through Annon-in-Gelydh, the Gate of the Noldor.
The land north of the Firth of Drengist was Lammoth, which lay outside the borders of Hithlum. South of the Firth of Drengist was the region of Nevrast. Nevrast was west of the Ered Lomin, and there was disagreement over whether it should be considered part of Hithlum or Beleriand.
The mountains around Hithlum were created as a result of the upheaval caused by the Battle of the Powers from 1090 to 1099 of the Years of the Trees. Morgoth was taken captive by the Valar during this battle.
Between 1125 and 1128, Elves entered Beleriand on the Great Journey west to the Undying Lands. In 1150, some Telerin Elves remained in Middle-earth while their kindred departed, and they became the Sindar, or Grey-elves. A group of Grey-elves migrated north over the Ered Wethrin into Hithlum. They were called the Mithrim and the region where they settled was named after them.
In 1495, Morgoth returned to Middle-earth after stealing the Silmarils. He was followed by Ungoliant, an evil being in spider form who wanted to devour the Silmarils. They crossed the Grinding Ice and then came down the coast to the land north of the Firth of Drengist. Ungoliant cast a web around Morgoth and he gave a terrible, echoing cry, and afterwards that land was called Lammoth, the Great Echo. Balrogs from Angband came across Hithlum in response to their master's cry and drove Ungoliant away.
Feanor and many of the Noldor pursued Morgoth to retrieve the Silmarils. In 1497, Feanor's ships landed at Losgar in Lammoth on the north coast of the Firth of Drengist. Feanor had abandoned his brother Fingolfin and others he considered disloyal, and he burned the ships at Losgar rather than send them back for those who had been left behind.
Feanor and his followers went up the Firth of Drengist and entered Hithlum. They journeyed onward to Lake Mithrim and set up camp on the northern shore. The Noldor encountered the Elves of Mithrim and both groups were happy to meet their long-lost kindred. The Noldor spoke Quenya and the Elves of Mithrim spoke Sindarin so communication was difficult at first.
Morgoth was alerted to the arrival of the Noldor by the noise they made in Lammoth, the Great Echo, and by the light of the burning ships. He sent an army of Orcs over the passes of the Ered Wethrin. The Noldor had not completed their camp or their defenses and they were outnumbered, but they defeated the Orcs in the Battle-under-Stars, which lasted ten days.
The Noldor drove the Orcs back over the mountains onto Ard-galen. Another of Morgoth's armies came north through the Pass of Sirion to help the Orcs, but Feanor's son Celegorm ambushed them from the hills near Eithel Sirion and drove them into the Fen of Serech.
Feanor pursued the remnants of Morgoth's forces north to Dor Daedeloth, the land around Angband. He became separated from his host and was mortally wounded by Balrogs. Feanor's sons carried him back toward Mithrim but he died in the pass above Eithel Sirion. Feanor's eldest son Maedhros was captured during a parley with Morgoth's minions, and his six other sons fortified their camp in Mithrim.
Meanwhile Fingolfin had led his people across the Grinding Ice to Middle-earth. They travelled down the coast to the Firth of Drengist and entered Hithlum. As they came to Mithrim, the Sun rose for the first time and the First Age began. Fingolfin pressed onward to Angband but Morgoth remained hidden.
Fingolfin and his followers returned to Mithrim in the year 2 of the First Age. He chose to settle there in part because of the defense provided by the mountains. Fingolfin's people made their camp on the northern shore of Lake Mithrim. The sons of Feanor and their people decided to relocate to the southern shore of the lake to avoid conflict with their kinsmen whom they had abandoned.
Morgoth was pleased by the dissension between the two groups of the Noldor. He sent mists from Angband into their land which blocked the light of the Sun. This was the origin of the name Hithlum, meaning "Land of Mists."
In the year 5, Fingolfin's son Fingon rescued Maedhros from captivity and the animosity between the two groups was lessened. Maedhros waived his claim to succeed his father as High King of the Noldor in Middle-earth, and Fingolfin assumed the kingship instead.
The Noldor held a council in Mithrim in the year 7 to discuss their defenses against Morgoth and their relationship with the Sindarin Elves. Some of the Noldor also wanted to leave the cool region of Hithlum for the warmer southern lands in Beleriand.
Angrod brought a message to the council from King Thingol of Doriath who was acknowledged as the leader of the Sindar in Beleriand. Thingol warned the Noldor not to encroach on lands where the Sindar dwelled. Feanor's son Caranthir lost his temper with Angrod for discussing private matters with Thingol.
After Caranthir's outburst, many of the Noldor worried that the sons of Feanor would be hard to deal with. Maedhros decided that he and his brothers should leave Hithlum in order to maintain good relations with the rest of the Noldor. They moved to East Beleriand where they assumed responsibility for guarding the area that became known as the March of Maedhros.
Angrod and his siblings Finrod, Orodreth, Aegnor, and Galadriel also left Hithlum. Fingolfin's younger son Turgon and daughter Aredhel went to live in Nevrast nearby. Turgon later founded the hidden realm of Gondolin.
Fingolfin and his oldest son Fingon remained in Hithlum with many of their people. They built Barad Eithel and other fortresses on the eastern face of the Ered Wethrin and their cavalry patrolled Ard-galen. Most of Fingolfin's people lived in Mithrim, but Fingon was assigned to the region of Dor-lomin in southwestern Hithlum.
Morgoth launched an attack on Beleriand in the year 60 but his forces were defeated by Fingoflin and Maedhros in the Glorious Battle. The Noldor then increased their vigilance and began the Siege of Angband, preventing Morgoth and his servants from coming forth openly and in great force.
But the Noldor could not completely surround Angband because of the Iron Mountains, and Morgoth was able to send out spies and small companies from the north. In 155, an army of Orcs trekked through the northern lands to the west coast and then came down to the Firth of Drengist to attack Hithlum. Fingon defeated them easily and drove them into the Sea.
Men first entered Beleriand in 310. Fingolfin sent them messages of welcome. In 322, a Man named Malach came to Hithlum and entered the service of Fingolfin. Malach learned Elvish and took the name Aradan. He served Fingolfin for fourteen years until 336. Some of Aradan's people later settled in Hithlum, and his son Magor led others to live in the valleys of the southern slopes of the Ered Wethrin, south of Dor-lomin.
Magor's grandson Hador entered Fingolfin's household in 405. He served for ten years until 415 and rose high in Fingolfin's favor. In 416, Fingolfin made Hador the Lord of Dor-lomin and many of Hador's kinsmen came to live there. Fingon - who had previously held the territory of Dor-lomin - gave Hador the Dragon-helm at this time.
In 455, Morgoth broke the Siege of Angband and the Battle of Sudden Flame began. Rivers of fires from Angband scorched the grassy plain of Ard-galen and it became Anfauglith, the Gasping Dust. Hithlum was protected from the fires by the Ered Wethrin, but many of the cavalry from Hithlum who were camped on the plain were engulfed in flames.
Fingolfin and Fingon led forth an army but they were driven back to the fortresses of the Ered Wethrin. The Men of Dor-lomin defended the rearguard, and Hador and his younger son Gundor were killed before the walls of Barad Eithel. Hador's oldest son Galdor became the Lord of Dor-lomin. Morgoth could not conquer Hithlum, but Fingolfin was cut off from his allies and was unable to help them as Morgoth's forces took control of Dorthonion and invaded East Beleriand.
When Fingolfin learned of the great losses his kindred had suffered, he rode alone to Angband and challenged Morgoth to single-combat. After a long struggle, Fingolfin was killed. Fingon succeeded him as High King of the Noldor in Middle-earth. Fingon sent his young son Gil-galad away from Hithlum at this time to live with Cirdan at the Havens of the Falas.
After the battle, refugees of the House of Beor - who were akin to the House of Hador - came to Dor-lomin from Dorthonion. Among them were Morwen and Rian who later married Galdor's sons Hurin and Huor.
As teenagers, Hurin and Huor were sent to be fostered by their uncle Haldir in the Forest of Brethil. In 458, there was a skirmish between the Men of Brethil and a legion of Orcs that came down the Pass of Sirion. Hurin and Huor were cut off and became lost. Thorondor sent Eagles to bring them to the hidden realm of Gondolin where Fingon's brother Turgon ruled. Hurin and Huor stayed in Gondolin for a year before they were returned to Dor-lomin. They did not reveal where they had been though many guessed.
In 462, Morgoth attacked Hithlum from the east and the north. Galdor was killed defending Barad Eithel. Hurin became Lord of Dor-lomin, and he drove the Orcs back from the Ered Wethrin. Meanwhile, on the plains of Hithlum, Fingon was outnumbered by the army that had come from the north. Then Cirdan arrived in the Firth of Drengist with a fleet from the Havens of the Falas, and the Orcs were pursued to the Iron Mountains.
Hurin married Morwen in 464 and their son Turin was born that same year. In 466 they had a daughter Urwen whom they called Lalaith after Nen Lalaith, the stream that came down from Amon Darthir near their home in southeastern Dor-lomin. In the autumn of 469, Morgoth sent a pestilent wind called the Evil Breath to afflict the people in the northern lands bordering Anfauglith. Many children in Dor-lomin died including Lalaith.
Fingon had joined the Union of Maedhros to oppose Morgoth in 468 and he began to prepare his people for war. Maedhros planned to launch a two-pronged attack on Morgoth at Midsummer of 472, and he divided their forces into two armies. Maedhros led the eastern army and Fingon commanded the western army. The western army included the Noldor of Hithlum, the Men of Dor-lomin, Elves of Mithrim and the Falas, and Men of the Forest of Brethil. They were joined by Mablung and Beleg from Doriath and a small company from Nargothrond led by Gwindor.
The plan called for the western army to remain hidden in the valleys of the Ered Wethrin while the eastern army marched onto Anfauglith to drawn out Morgoth's forces. Fingon was supposed to wait for a signal to attack in order to trap the enemy between the two armies. But Maedhros and the eastern army were delayed by the treachery of Uldor the Easterling, whom they believed to be their ally.
Morgoth launched an attack on the western army while the eastern army was delayed. The watchers in the forts of the Ered Wethrin did not see the enemy approaching at first because they wore brown clothing that served as camouflage against the desert terrain. Fingon's captains wanted to attack but Hurin restrained them.
The captain of Morgoth's army brought forward Gwindor's brother Gelmir - who had been captured during the Battle of Sudden Flame - and had him killed in plain view of the defenders of Barad Eithel. Gwindor was enraged and charged forward with his company, prompting Fingon to give the order for his army to attack.
The western army advanced across Anfauglith to Angband, where Gwindor was captured and the rest his company were killed. The full force of Morgoth's army emerged from Angband, and on the fourth day of Midsummer the Battle of Unnumbered Tears began. Fingon's army was driven back with great losses and they were surrounded by Orcs on Anfauglith.
Fingon's brother Turgon came to his aid with an army from Gondolin, and Maedhros and the eastern army finally arrived and attacked the enemy from the rear. The Orcs were nearly overwhelmed and were on the verge of retreat. But the tide of the battle turned again when Morgoth unleashed an army led by Glaurung, and at the same time the Easterlings betrayed their allies by switching sides on the battlefield.
Fingon was slain by Gothmog, Lord of Balrogs, and Turgon became the High King of the Noldor in Middle-earth. Turgon and Hurin were driven back to the Pass of Sirion with the remnants of their army. Hurin urged Turgon and the Elves to return to Gondolin so that a place of strength would remain to resist Morgoth.
The Men of Dor-lomin covered the Elves' retreat, making their last stand against the enemy in the Fen of Serech. Hurin was taken captive to Angband, but Huor and all the rest of the Men of Dor-lomin were killed.
The surviving Noldor of Fingon's army went with Turgon to Gondolin. Of the Elves of Mithrim who had gone into battle, only Annael returned to Hithlum, where there remained a small number of Elves who had not gone to war.
Huor's wife Rian became distraught when there was no news of her husband. She wandered into to wild and took refuge with the Elves of Mithrim. At the end of 472, Rian gave birth to a son named Tuor. She left Tuor in the care of Annael and went to find the mass grave on Anfauglith where her husband was buried, and she lay down and died.
Orcs roamed freely in Hithlum. They captured most of the remaining Elves and took them to the mines of Angband to be slaves. A few escaped, including Annael who relocated his people and his foster-son Tuor to the caves of Androth in the Mountains of Mithrim.
Morgoth had promised to give the Easterlings rich lands as a reward for their actions in the Battle of Unnumbered Tears, but instead he sent them to Hithlum and forbade them to leave. The Easterlings continued to serve Morgoth out of fear. They oppressed the remaining people of Dor-lomin - who were mainly women, children, and the infirm. The Easterlings stole goods and lands, enslaved children, killed the elderly, and forced women into marriage.
Lorgan was the chieftain of the Easterlings of Hithlum. There were also lesser Easterlings who seized power for themselves. While most of the Easterlings dwelled in northern Hithlum, Brodda the Easterling took over the lands belonging to Hurin in southeastern Dor-lomin. He built a hall and forced Aerin, a kinswoman of Hurin, to marry him.
Brodda did not dare harm Hurin's wife Morwen because he feared her, and he did not know about Hurin's heir Turin who was eight years old. In the autumn of 472, Morwen decided to send Turin away to Doriath by the pass over Amon Darthir. She did not accompany him because she was heavily pregnant. In early 473 she gave birth to her daughter Nienor.
Thingol sent messengers to Dor-lomin to ask Morwen to come to Doriath but she refused. By 481, the watch on Hithlum had increased. The passes of the Ered Wethrin were guarded, and Orcs roamed near the borders. Messengers from Doriath could no longer bring news of Turin to Morwen.
In 488, Annael and the Elves of Mithrim decided to leave Hithlum by the secret Gate of the Noldor in the west. But Lorgan had been watching them, and as they left Androth they were attacked by an army of Easterlings and Orcs. Tuor was taken prisoner, but Annael and most of the other Elves eluded capture and fled to the Havens of Sirion.
Tuor was a slave to Lorgan for three years until 491 when he escaped. He launched raids on the Easterlings from Androth, and Lorgan put a price on his head. Tuor could not find the way out of Hithlum, but in 495, Ulmo, Lord of Waters, created a stream to guide him to the Ered Lomin, where two Elves named Arminas and Gelmir showed him the Gate of the Noldor. In Nevrast, Turin met Voronwe who brought him to Gondolin.
Meanwhile, in 494, Morwen took advantage of a brief period of peace to leave Dor-lomin with Nienor, but when they reached Doriath, Turin was gone. At the Fall of Nargothrond in 495, Glaurung deceived Turin into believing that Morwen and Nienor were enslaved in Dor-lomin. Turin went to rescue them instead of saving Finduilas, who was taken captive by Orcs and was later slain.
In early 496, Turin returned to Dor-lomin but found Morwen's house empty. In Brodda's hall, he was told by Aerin that his mother and sister were gone. When Turin realized that Glaurung had tricked him he slew Brodda and his men in anger. Turin and a number of Brodda's slaves fled to a mountain refuge and Turin was shown a secret way out of Dor-lomin. The slaves remained in Dor-lomin and became hunted outlaws. After Turin left, Aerin set fire to the hall and presumably perished.
Turin went to the Forest of Brethil and encountered Nienor, who had been put under a spell of forgetfulness by Glaurung. She and Turin did not know each other's identities and they married. In 499, Turin slew Glaurung, but when Nienor and Turin learned that they were sister and brother they both committed suicide.
Hurin had been held captive by Morgoth for 28 years since the Battle of Unnumbered Tears, and he had seen everything that had happened to his family. In 500, Hurin was released and escorted to the eastern border of Hithlum. Lorgan feared that Hurin had come to usurp the rule of Hithlum, but Hurin soon departed with a small group of Men of Dor-lomin, and Lorgan let him go.
In Gondolin, Tuor married Turgon's daughter Idril and their son Earendil was born in 503. After the Fall of Gondolin in 510, they fled to the Havens of Sirion. Many other refugees also gathered at the Havens, including some Men of Dor-lomin. Among them was Dirhaval, a poet who wrote The Tale of the Children of Hurin.
The Havens of Sirion were attacked by the sons of Feanor in 538 in an attempt to steal a Silmaril from Earendil's wife Elwing. Dirhaval and many others were killed but Elwing escaped to find Earendil's ship Vingilot. Earendil sailed to the Undying Lands to seek the help of the Valar in the war against Morgoth. The Host of the Valar defeated Morgoth in the War of Wrath at the end of the First Age, but most of the lands west of the Blue Mountains were destroyed including Hithlum.
Northern boundaries of Hithlum are speculative.
Note: There is no definitive chronology of the Years of the Trees or the First Age. In particular, there are several conflicting chronologies of the 500s of the First Age. These dates are based on "The Annals of Aman" in The History of Middle-earth, vol. X, Morgoth's Ring and "The Grey Annals" and "The Tale of Years" in The History of Middle-earth, vol. XI, The War of the Jewels.
One year during the Years of the Trees is equivalent to 9.582 solar years.
Years of the Trees
The Battle of the Powers between
the Valar and Morgoth. The mountains around Hithlum are raised as a result
of the upheaval in northwestern Middle-earth.
The Teleri enter Beleriand.
Many of the Teleri go to the Undying
Lands, but others remain behind and become the Sindar, or Grey-elves. Some
of them eventually cross the Ered Wethrin into Hithlum and settle in Mithrim.
Morgoth returns to Middle-earth
with the Silmarils followed by Ungoliant. Ungoliant attacks Morgoth, and
Morgoth's cry gives the name Lammoth, the Great Echo, to the region north
of the Firth of Drengist. Balrogs from Angband cross Hithlum to rescue
Feanor and many of the Noldor pursue
Morgoth and land at Losgar on the Firth of Drengist. Feanor burns the ships
rather than send them back for Fingolfin and the other Noldor. Feanor and
his followers enter Hithlum and settle on the shores of Lake Mithrim where
they encounter the Elves of Mithrim. Morgoth sends Orcs over the Ered Wethrin
but the Noldor defeat them in the Battle-under-Stars. Feanor tries to attack
Angband but is mortally wounded and dies in the pass above Eithel Sirion.
Maedhros is captured by Morgoth.
First Age
Fingolfin and his followers come
to Mithrim. He marches to Angband but Morgoth remains hidden.
Fingolfin's people settle on the
north shore of Lake Mithrim, while Feanor's sons and followers relocate
to the southern shore. Morgoth sends mists from Angband to Hithlum.
Fingon rescues Maedhros from captivity.
The Noldor hold a council in Mithrim.
Maedhros relocates to Himring and his brothers also settle in East Beleriand.
Fingolfin and Maedhros defeat Morgoth's
forces in the Glorious Battle. Siege of Angband begins.
Morgoth sends Orcs to attack Hithlum
from the Firth of Drengist in the west but Fingon defeats them.
Men first come over the Blue Mountains
into Beleriand.
Malach goes to live in Hithlum in
the service of Fingolfin and takes the name Aradan.
End of Aradan's service to Fingolfin.
Hador enters the household of Fingolfin.
Hador completes his service to Fingolfin.
Birth of Gloredhel, daughter of Hador.
Fingolfin makes Hador the Lord of
Birth of Galdor, son of Hador.
Birth of Gundor, son of Hador.
Galdor marries Hareth;
Gloredhel marries Haldir.
Birth of Hurin, son of Galdor.
Birth of Huor, son of Galdor.
The Battle of Sudden Flame. Death
of Hador; Galdor becomes Lord of Dor-lomin.
Fingolfin is killed in single combat
with Morgoth. Fingon becomes High King of the Noldor in Middle-earth. Fingon's
son Gil-galad is sent to live at the Havens of the Falas. Refugees of the
House of Beor including Rian and Morwen come to Dor-lomin from Dorthonion.
While staying in the Forest of Brethil,
Hurin and Huor become lost and are brought to Gondolin. They are returned
to Dor-lomin after about a year.
Morgoth sends an army to attack
Hithlum. Galdor dies defending Eithel Sirion. Hurin repels Morgoth's forces
from Eithel Sirion. Fingon fights Morgoth's forces on the plains of Hithlum.
Cirdan arrives with a fleet and Morgoth's forces are driven back. Hurin
becomes Lord of Dor-lomin.
Hurin marries Morwen; birth of their
son Turin.
Birth of Lalaith, daughter of Hurin
and Morwen, in the spring.
Fingon joins the Union of Maedhros
against Morgoth and begins to prepare for war.
A pestilent wind called the Evil
Breath is sent by Morgoth to Hithlum. Death of Hurin's daughter Lalaith.
The Battle of Unnumbered Tears.
Death of Fingon. Hurin is taken prisoner to Angband. Huor and the rest
of the Men of Dor-lomin are killed. The surviving Noldor of Hithlum go
to Gondolin. Morgoth gives Hithlum to the Easterlings, and Orcs roam the
land. The families of the Men of Dor-lomin are oppressed, and many Elves
are captured and enslaved in Angband.
Morwen sends Turin to Doriath in autumn. Rian gives birth to Tuor late in the year and leaves him in the care of Annael and the Elves of Mithrm, then goes to die on Huor's grave.
Morwen gives birth to Nienor in
Dor-lomin early in the year. Morgoth sends an army across Hithlum and Nevrast
to attack the Havens of the Falas. Cirdan and Gil-galad flee with other
survivors to the Isle of Balar.
Messengers from Doriath stop visiting
Morwen after the road becomes too dangerous.
Annael and the Elves of Mithrim
escape Hithlum and go south to the Havens of Sirion. Tuor is captured by
Lorgan, the chieftain of the Easterlings of Hithlum.
Tuor escapes captivity.
Morwen and Nienor leave Dor-lomin
and go to find Turin in Doriath but he is gone. They remain in Doriath
as guests of Thingol.
Tuor finds the Gate of the Noldor
out of Hithlum with Ulmo's guidance and goes to Gondolin. At the Fall of
Nargothrond, Glaurung deceives Turin into believing Morwen and Nienor are
slaves in Dor-lomin.
Turin returns to Dor-lomin and kills
Brodda the Easterling. Death of Aerin. Turin goes to the Forest of Brethil
and meets his sister Nienor but they do not know each other's identities.
Turin marries Nienor.
Turin slays Glaurung. Turin and
Nienor commit suicide when they learn they are brother and sister.
Hurin comes to Hithlum and confronts
Lorgan and then departs.
Marriage of Tuor and Idril in Gondolin.
Birth of Earendil, son of Tuor and
Fall of Gondolin. Tuor, Idril, Earendil
and others escape.
Tuor, Idril, Earendil and the other
survivors settle at the Havens of Sirion.
Tuor and Idril sail into the West.
The Havens of Sirion are attacked
by the sons of Feanor. Elwing escapes with the Silmaril. Death of Dirhaval.
Earendil reaches the Undying Lands
and asks the Valar to help defeat Morgoth.
Hithlum and most of Beleriand are
destroyed in the War of Wrath.
The name Mithrim means "Grey-elves"
in Sindarin from mith meaning "grey" and rim meaning "host,
great number." The name was originally applied to the Elves inhabiting
the region and referred to the grey skies where they lived and possibly
also to the grey camouflage clothing they wore.
The name Dor-lómin
means "Echoing Land" from dor meaning "land" and lómen
which means "echoing" in the Doriathrin dialect. The Quenya form is given
as Lóminórë in HoME
XI, p. 145, although the Quenya word for echoing is lámina
while lómin means "shade, shadow."
The Silmarillion: "Of the Coming of the Elves," p. 51; "Of the Flight of the Noldor," p. 80-81, 89-90; "Of the Return of the Noldor," p. 106-12, 116; "Of Beleriand and Its Realms," p. 118-21, 123; "Of Maeglin," p. 131; "Of the Coming of Men into the West," p. 143, 147; "Of the Ruin of Beleriand," p. 151-57, 160; "Of Beren and Luthien," p. 182; "Of the Fifth Battle," passim; "Of Turin Turambar," p. 198-99, 211, 214-16; "Of the Ruin of Doriath," p. 227; "Of Tuor and the Fall of Gondolin," p. 238; "Appendix - Elements in Quenya and Sindarin Names," entries for dor, hith, lome, mith, rim
Unfinished Tales: "Of Tuor and His Coming to Gondolin," p. 17-25; "Narn I Hin Hurin," p. 57-80, 85-87, 95, 104-9, 146 and note 3, 148 note 20, 159-62
The History of Middle-earth, vol. V, The Lost Road and Other Writings: "Quenta Silmarillion - Note on the Geography of the Furthest North," p. 270-72 (maps); "The Etymologies," entries for KHIS, LAM, LUM
The History of Middle-earth, vol. XI, The War of the Jewels: "The Grey Annals," p. 5-6, 16-18, 29-34, 46, 52-61, 64, 70-82, 85, 87-92, 104, 128, 136-37, 145-46, 165-69; "The Later Quenta Silmarillion," p. 182, 219, 223-24, 228, 234 (genealogy), 235; "The Wanderings of Hurin," p. 251-54, 256-57, 298 note 3, 299 note 10; "Aelfwine and Dirhaval," p. 311, 313; "Quendi and Eldar," p. 410-11, 420 note 36
The Children of Hurin: "Introduction," p. 13, 20, 22-23, 26-27; "The Childhood of Turin," passim; "The Battle of Unnumbered Tears," passim; "The Words of Hurin and Morgoth," passim; "The Departure of Turin," passim; "Turin in Doriath," p. 82-83, 87; "Turin in Nargothrond," p. 170; "The Return of Turin to Dor-lomin," passim
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- e-mail: thain at tuckborough.net