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![]() An encyclopedia of Middle-earth and Numenor |
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Vital Statistics:Race:
![]() Cate Blanchett as Galadriel in the New Line film |
![]() Galadriel by John Howe |
Galadriel, the Lady of the Golden Wood of Lothlorien, was the most powerful Elf in Middle-earth in the Third Age. She had been one of the leaders of the Noldor who left the Undying Lands in defiance of the Valar, and she was the last of them to remain in Middle-earth. Galadriel rejected the chance to take the One Ring and claim power for herself, and at last she was able to return into the West.
Galadriel's father was Finarfin and her mother was Earwen. On the Great Journey to the Undying Lands, Finarfin's father Finwe led the Elves known as the Noldor and Earwen's father Olwe became the leader of the Teleri. Galadriel was born in the Undying Lands around the year 1362 of the Years of the Trees, before the First Age began. She had four older brothers: Finrod, Orodreth, Angrod, and Aegnor.
As was customary among the Elves in the Undying Lands, Galadriel was given a name at birth by her father and another name by her mother. Her father-name was Artanis, meaning "noble woman," and her mother-name was Nerwen, meaning "man-maiden." The mother-name was generally chosen with insight into the type of person a child would become. Galadriel grew to be six feet, four inches in height - unusually tall for a female Elf - and she was strong and athletic.
It is said that in time Galadriel became the greatest of the Noldor, except perhaps for her uncle Feanor, the creator of the Silmarils. Galadriel was very wise. While living in the Undying Lands, she learned much from Yavanna, the Vala of growing things, and Aule, the master of crafts. Galadriel had great insight into other people's minds and she was understanding and merciful, but she was also proud and willful.
Galadriel was incredibly beautiful. Her hair was a magnificent gold touched with silver, and it seemed to shine with the light of the Two Trees of Valinor. It is said that Feanor requested a strand of Galadriel's hair, but she refused. It may be that Feanor was inspired by Galadriel's hair when he captured the light of the Two Trees in the Silmarils.
Morgoth killed Galadriel's grandfather Finwe and stole the Silmarils, and Feanor swore an oath to retrieve them at any cost. He pursued Morgoth to Middle-earth in defiance of the wishes of the Valar, and many of the Noldor followed. Galadriel did not swear the Oath of Feanor, but she longed to see far-off lands and to rule a realm of her own, and so she joined the flight of Noldor to Middle-earth.
Feanor led the Noldor to Alqualonde on the coast of the Undying Lands to get ships from the Teleri - the Elves who dwelled by the Sea ruled by Galadriel's grandfather Olwe. When the Teleri refused, Feanor and many of his followers took the ships by force and killed a number of the Teleri. Galadriel did not participate in the Kinslaying, and she may even have tried to stop Feanor to no avail.
After the Kinslaying, the Vala Mandos appeared and told Feanor and his followers that if they continued on their quest, they would be exiled from the Undying Lands. He foretold that doom and grief would befall them, and that those who survived would grow weary of Middle-earth. Galadriel's father Finarfin turned back and sought the pardon of the Valar, and he became the King of the Noldor in the Undying Lands, but Galadriel and her brothers continued on the journey and thus they fell under the Doom of Mandos.
There were not enough ships to carry all the Noldor to Middle-earth, so Feanor secretly set sail with his closest kin and followers, abandoning those he thought were disloyal to him. Among those left behind were Galadriel and her brothers and their uncle Fingolfin. Galadriel was too proud to turn back and seek the pardon of the Valar, and she was still driven by her desire to come to Middle-earth and establish her own realm.
Galadriel, Finrod, and Fingolfin led their people across the Helcaraxe - the Grinding Ice that formed a dangerous route across the Sea in the far North. The journey was arduous and many Elves perished, but those who survived grew stronger and hardier from the ordeal. They arrived in Beleriand in northwestern Middle-earth at the beginning of the first year of the First Age.
Galadriel eventually settled in Doriath, the hidden realm where Thingol dwelled with his wife Melian and their daughter Luthien. Thingol was the brother of Galadriel's grandfather Olwe. Galadriel fell in love with Celeborn, a Prince of Doriath who was a kinsman of Thingol. Galadriel and Celeborn married and they lived in Doriath for most of the First Age, though Galadriel sometimes visited her brother Finrod in his realm of Nargothrond.
Galadriel became close friends with Melian - a Maia who had decided to remain in Middle-earth. Galadriel learned much of the history and lore of Middle-earth from Melian. She told Melian that the Noldor had come to Middle-earth to retrieve the Silmarils stolen by Morgoth. She refused to speak of the Oath or the Kinslaying or of Feanor's betrayal, but Thingol later learned the full story from Galadriel's brother Angrod. Thingol was angry and he told Galadriel's brothers to leave Doriath, though they were innocent of the Kinslaying. Galadriel was allowed to remain.
The War of the Jewels to retrieve the Silmarils continued throughout the First Age. All four of Galadriel's brothers were killed. Aegnor and Angrod died in the Battle of Sudden Flame in 455. Finrod set out with Beren on his quest to take a Silmaril from Morgoth's crown, but they were captured by Sauron and Finrod was killed in his dungeon in 465. Orodreth assumed command of Nargothrond and died defending it in the Battle of Tumhalad in 495.
In one version of Galadriel's story, she left Beleriand and crossed the Blue Mountains into Eriador before the fall of Nargothrond, but in other versions she remained in Beleriand until the end of the First Age. Thingol was killed by Dwarf craftsmen who coveted the Silmaril retrieved by Beren, and an army of Dwarves drove the Elves from Doriath. Thingol's grandson Dior later returned to Doriath and the Silmaril passed to him, but the sons of Feanor came to seize it and Doriath was destroyed around 506. It is not clear whether Galadriel and Celeborn were present during any of these events or where they went after the ruin of Doriath.
After Morgoth was defeated in the War of Wrath at the end of the First Age, the Valar pardoned the Noldor. Many of the Noldor returned to the Undying Lands, but Galadriel remained in Middle-earth with Celeborn. According to one story, Galadriel refused the Valar's pardon out of pride. In another version of the story, Galadriel was not included in the Valar's pardon because of her leadership role in the rebellion of the Noldor. In either case, Galadriel still hoped to rule a domain in Middle-earth.
Galadriel and Celeborn probably lived for a time in Lindon, a coastal region west of the Blue Mountains. Early in the Second Age they are said to have crossed the Blue Mountains into Eriador. A number of Elves followed Galadriel and Celeborn, including Noldor, Sindar, and Green-elves, and they were joined by wandering Elves who dwelled in Eriador. They may have settled for a time around the shores of Lake Evendim, north of the land that later became the Shire. Galadriel's daughter Celebrian may have been born during this period.
Galadriel soon became aware of an evil will working in eastern Middle-earth, though she did not know it was Morgoth's lieutenant, Sauron. She felt it was her duty to thwart the evil power in any way she could, so around 700 of the Second Age, Galadriel and Celeborn began to move eastward with many of their followers. They settled in the land of Eregion, which lay at the foot of the Misty Mountains near the great Dwarf realm of Khazad-dum.
Celeborn distrusted all Dwarves because of the memory of the Dwarves who slew Thingol and invaded Doriath. But Galadriel realized that all the races of Middle-earth would have to join forces to counter the growing threat, and she knew Dwarves to be hardy warriors.
Galadriel also admired the craftsmanship of the Dwarves. She had once studied with Aule, the great smith of the Valar, and her people the Noldor were noted craftsmen. A number of Noldorin craftsmen dwelled in Eregion, the chief of whom was Celebrimbor. They became friendly with the Dwarves of Khazad-dum and traded with them.
While living in Eregion, Galadriel became familiar with the woods of Lothlorien that lay on the other side of the Misty Mountains. Lothlorien was inhabited by Wood-elves, who had turned aside from the Great Journey to the Undying Lands long ago.
Around the year 1200, Sauron came to Eregion in disguise. He claimed to be an emissary of the Valar and called himself Annatar, Lord of Gifts. Celebrimbor and other the Elven-smiths were deceived by Sauron and he taught them new skills in secret, apparently without Galadriel's knowledge. It is said that Galadriel did not trust him, and yet it is unclear why she would have allowed him to remain in Eregion.
In one version of the story, Celebrimbor seized power in Eregion while under Sauron's influence, and Galadriel departed to Lothlorien around 1350 to 1400. Another story says it was not until after the destruction of Eregion in 1697 that Galadriel and Celeborn passed through Khazad-dum to Lothlorien.
The Elven-smiths began to forge the Rings of Power around 1500. But Sauron created the One Ring to rule the others, and the Elves realized that they had been deceived. In 1693, Celebrimbor is said to have consulted with Galadriel about what to do with the Three Rings, which had been made without Sauron's help. They could not bring themselves to destroy their Rings, so Galadriel advised Celebrimbor that the Three Rings should be hidden and never used for as long as Sauron had the One. Galadriel was given Nenya, the Ring of Water, at this time.
Sauron launched a war against the Elves. Celeborn led an army in a sortie against the attacking forces. Elrond came to Celeborn's aid, but their numbers were too few and they were driven back. Eregion was destroyed by Sauron in 1697 and the great craftsman Celebrimbor was slain.
Galadriel and Celeborn dwelled in Lothlorien for a short time after the fall of Eregion, but they did not become the rulers of Lothlorien then. The King of the Elves of Lothlorien at that time was probably Amdir. He was killed in the War of the Last Alliance at the end of the Second Age and was succeeded by his son Amroth. (In one version of the story, Amroth is said to be the son of Galadriel and Celeborn, but this was almost certainly a rejected idea.)
Galadriel and Celeborn left Lothlorien and may have gone to live in Rivendell for a while. Elrond, the Lord of Rivendell, fell in love with their daughter Celebrian. One story tells that Galadriel's longing for the Sea grew so great that she and her family left Rivendell and moved south to live by the shores of the Bay of Belfalas, where the Elf-haven of Edhellond was located.
Elrond married Celebrian in 109 of the Third Age. They had three children. Their twin sons Elladan and Elrohir were born in 130, and their daughter Arwen was born in 241.
In the Third Age, Galadriel became aware that evil was once again growing in Middle-earth. Around 1100, it was learned that an evil power known as the Necromancer had built the stronghold of Dol Guldur across the Anduin from Lothlorien. Galadriel and Celeborn are said to have visited Lothlorien to help strengthen the defenses against Dol Guldur and learn about the Necromancer. After a time, they may have returned to Rivendell.
In 1980, the threat to Lothlorien increased when the Balrog awoke in Khazad-dum. The Dwarves fled and it became a place of evil called Moria. The next year, Amroth's lover Nimrodel fled from Lothlorien and he followed her and later perished at Sea. The people of Lothlorien were left without a leader, so Celeborn and Galadriel returned and became the Lord and Lady of Lothlorien in 1981.
Galadriel and Celeborn lived in Caras Galadhon, the City of the Trees. Their home was made up of a number of flets - or platforms - in the branches of a great mallorn-tree. Galadriel was said to have been the one who first planted mallorn seeds in Lothlorien. The golden-leaved trees flourished under her care, and Lothlorien became known as the Golden Wood.
Galadriel had a garden in a dell near her home in Caras Galadhon, and there she kept her Mirror. The Mirror of Galadriel was a silver basin on a pedestal which Galadriel filled with water from a stream running through the dell. Galadriel could command the Mirror to show certain images, and the Mirror could also show images on its own of the past, present, and possible futures.
By 2060, Galadriel and the rest of the Wise suspected that the evil power in Dol Guldur was Sauron. Sauron had been defeated in the War of the Last Alliance and the One Ring had been taken from him, but the Ring had not been destroyed so his spirit endured.
Gandalf the Grey went to Dol Guldur to investigate in 2063, but Sauron fled and for a time there was a Watchful Peace. Sauron returned to Dol Guldur in 2460. In 2463, Galadriel summoned the chief Elves and Wizards to form the White Council. She wanted Gandalf to be the leader, but Saruman the White was chosen instead.
In 2509, Galadriel's daughter Celebrian was traveling through the Redhorn Gate of the Misty Mountains on her way to visit Lothlorien when she was captured by Orcs. She was tormented and wounded before her sons Elladan and Elrohir were able to rescue her. Celebrian was deeply troubled by the experience, and the next year in 2510 she decided to leave Middle-earth and sail to the Undying Lands.
That same year, Eorl the Young led his Riders out of the North to the aid of Gondor at the Battle of the Field of Celebrant. As they came southward, a dark shadow seemed to flow from Dol Guldur, but then a white mist emerged from Lothlorien and drove back the shadow. Eorl and his Riders were hidden in the mist and continued safely on their way. By this sign, it was thought that they had the support of the Lady of the Golden Wood.
Gandalf told the White Council in 2851 that he had confirmed that the power in Dol Guldur was Sauron, and he urged an attack on Dol Guldur. Saruman overruled him, saying that he believed the One Ring had been washed down to the Sea, and that without it Sauron could not regain his strength. In truth, Saruman coveted the Ring for himself.
Finally in 2941, the White Council launched an attack on Dol Guldur, but Sauron was prepared for them and he escaped. Sauron returned to Mordor, and he sent Nazgul led by Khamul to occupy Dol Guldur. The White Council met for the last time in 2953.
Galadriel continued to maintain constant vigilance against Sauron and she strove with him in thought. She was able to perceive his designs, especially concerning the Elves, but her mind was closed to him. Galadriel realized that Lothlorien was in a strategic location to prevent Sauron's forces from crossing the Anduin, and she defended its borders with the power of her Ring, Nenya.
In December of 3018, Galadriel's grandsons Elladan and Elrohir came to Lothlorien. They reported that the One Ring had been brought to Rivendell by a Hobbit named Frodo Baggins, who had volunteered to take the Ring to Mount Doom and destroy it.
Frodo came to Lothlorien in January of 3019. He was accompanied by a Fellowship led by Aragorn, who was a friend of Galadriel and was betrothed to her granddaughter Arwen. Galadriel knew that Gandalf had set out with the Fellowship, but she could not sense him. When told that Gandalf had fallen into an abyss with the Balrog of Moria, Celeborn was angered. He blamed a recent expedition of Dwarves led by Balin for awakening the Balrog, and he repented his welcome of the Fellowship, particularly Gimli the Dwarf. But Galadriel reassured Gimli and spoke words in his own language to him, and Gimli was enraptured by her kindness and beauty.
Galadriel then tested the resolve of each member of the Fellowship. She looked deeply into their eyes, and they felt as if they were being offered a choice between continuing on the quest or turning aside and receiving something they greatly desired. Galadriel held the Ring-bearer's gaze for a long time, and she saw courage and wisdom in Frodo. Galadriel gave Frodo the chance to look into her Mirror, and she knew that he saw the Eye of Sauron with whom she had long contended.
As the bearer of a Ring of Power herself, Galadriel had a special understanding of Frodo's burden. For his part, Frodo was able to see Nenya on Galadriel's finger. Galadriel told Frodo that if the One Ring were destroyed, the Three Rings might lose their power and all that had been wrought with them would fade.
Then Frodo offered to give the One Ring to Galadriel. Galadriel had long pondered what she might be able to accomplish if the Ring came into her possession. But she had grown wiser during her sojourn in Middle-earth, and she was able to reject the temptation of the Ring, for she understood that though she might begin with good intentions she would become a tyrant in the end.
"And now at last it comes. You will give me the Ring freely! In place of the Dark Lord you will set up a Queen. And I shall not be dark, but beautiful and terrible as the Morning and the Night! Fair as the Sea and the Sun and the Snow upon the Mountain! Dreadful as the Storm and the Lightning! Stronger than the foundations of the earth. All shall love me and despair!"Galadriel knew that the time of the Elves in Middle-earth had come to end and that the age of Men was beginning. She relinquished her pride and the dreams of power and dominion that had brought her to Middle-earth and accepted her fate.She lifted up her hand and from the ring that she wore there issued a great light that illuminated her alone and left all else dark. She stood before Frodo seeming now tall beyond measurement, and beautiful beyond enduring, terrible and worshipful. Then she let her hand fall, and the light faded, and suddenly she laughed again, and lo! she was shrunken: a slender elf-woman, clad in simple white, whose gentle voice was soft and sad.
"I pass the test," she said. "I will diminish, and go into the West and remain Galadriel."
The Fellowship of the Ring: "The Mirror of Galadriel," p. 381
When the Fellowship left Lothlorien, Galadriel gave gifts to each member of the Fellowship. To Aragorn she gave a green stone called the Elessar, which had been left in her care for him by Arwen. Sam Gamgee received a mallorn seed and a box of earth from her garden, which he later used to heal the damage done to the Shire during the War of the Ring.
Galadriel asked Gimli what he desired, and the Dwarf requested a strand of her hair. Galadriel gave him three strands - a gesture that is even more remarkable in light of the fact that she had refused the same request from her uncle Feanor many ages ago.
Galadriel prepared a special gift for Frodo. She filled a crystal Phial with water from her Mirror wherein she had captured the light of the Star of Earendil, which shone with the light of one of the Silmarils.
Galadriel then sang a song of farewell. In her song, she expressed her wish to the Valar that Frodo be allowed to find peace and healing in the Undying Lands after his quest - a prayer that was ultimately granted.
Galadriel perceived that Gandalf would return, so she had asked Gwaihir the Windlord to look for him. The Great Eagle found the Wizard on the peak of the Silvertine and brought him to Lothlorien. Gandalf had died and was sent back to Middle-earth by Eru to complete his task. Galadriel clothed him in white robes to befit his new status as head of the Order of Wizards, replacing the traitorous Wizard Saruman.
In March, forces from Dol Guldur attacked Lothlorien three times, but each time they failed because of the power of Galadriel and Celeborn and the valor of their people. After the One Ring was destroyed and Sauron's realm fell, Celeborn led his forces across the river and captured Dol Guldur. Galadriel threw down the walls of the fortress and the forest of Mirkwood was cleansed of evil.
Galadriel traveled to Minas Tirith for her granddaughter Arwen's wedding to Aragorn on Mid-year's Day. Afterwards, Galadriel accompanied the funeral procession of King Theoden to Rohan. On the way home, she stopped at Isengard where Treebeard had been guarding Saruman until he released the Wizard. Galadriel had not seen the Ent for many years, and she said that this would be their last meeting in Middle-earth, though they might meet again when the world had changed.
Galadriel then parted from Aragorn, saying, "Elfstone, through darkness you have come to your hope, and have now all your desire. Use well the days!" (RotK, p. 260) She and Celeborn continued north with Gandalf, Elrond, and the Hobbits. On the road, they encountered Saruman, and Galadriel told him he still had a chance to repent, but he refused.
Before Galadriel and Celeborn parted from Elrond and Gandalf, they sat together and reminisced about their time in Middle-earth which was soon coming to an end. They were able to communicate telepathically with each other without needing to speak. Then Galadriel and Celeborn crossed the Redhorn Gate and returned home to Lothlorien. They dwelled there together for only two more years.
In 3021, Galadriel and Celeborn parted. He decided to remain in Middle-earth for a while, but Galadriel's time in Middle-earth was over. Whether Galadriel had been banned by the Valar or whether she had refused the Valar's pardon out of pride, she had been redeemed by her rejection of the One Ring and her long opposition to Sauron. There was no longer any impediment to her return to the Undying Lands and she was ready to go home at last.
Galadriel joined Elrond and they met Frodo in the Shire. As Galadriel had hoped, Frodo had been granted permission to sail with them into the West. They travelled to the Grey Havens where Gandalf awaited, and on September 29, 3021, the Ringbearers boarded a ship that would carry them over the Sea to the Undying Lands. There Galadriel was reunited with her mother and father and her daughter Celebrian, and after a time her husband Celeborn joined her there.
The Silmarillion covers Galadriel's life in the Undying Lands and in Middle-earth during the First Age.
Letters #297, #320, and #353 give three different reasons for why Galadriel remained in Middle-earth after the First Age.
"The History of Galadriel and Celeborn" in Unfinished Tales contains a number of different - and often contradictory - versions of Galadriel's history between the end of the First Age and 1981 of the Third Age, when she became the Lady of Lothlorien.
"Cirion and Eorl" in Unfinished Tales (p. 298-99) gives the account of Galadriel's aid to Eorl the Young.
Galadriel's birth date is given in a footnote on page 106 of "The Annals of Aman" in The History of Middle-earth, vol. X, Morgoth's Ring.
One year during the Years of the Trees is equivalent to 9.582 solar years. Thus at the beginning of the First Age, Galadriel was already 1,322.
Years of the Trees:
Marriage of Galadriel's parents,
Finarfin and Earwen.
Birth of Galadriel.
Feanor makes the Silmarils.
Morgoth kills Galadriel's grandfather
Finwe and steals the Silmarils and takes them to Middle-earth. Feanor leads
the Noldor in pursuit, and Galadriel joins them.
Mandos appears before the Noldor
and warns them to turn back. Finarfin does so, but Galadriel and her siblings
continue onward.
Feanor abandons Fingolfin and many
others including Galadriel and sails to Middle-earth in the stolen ships.
Galadriel helps lead the second
host of the Noldor across the Grinding Ice.
First Age:
Galadriel and the second host of
the Noldor arrive in the far north of Middle-earth.
Galadriel and her brother Finrod
are guests in Doriath, the hidden realm of Thingol and Melian. Galadriel
falls in love with Celeborn and decides to remain in Doriath.
Galadriel tells Melian of the flight
of the Noldor but refuses to speak of the Kinslaying.
Galadriel's brothers visit Doriath.
They are asked to leave by Thingol after he learns of the Kinslaying, despite
their innocence. Galadriel is allowed to remain.
Galadriel visits her brother Finrod
in Nargothrond.
Galadriel's brothers Angrod and
Aegnor are killed in the Battle of Sudden Flame.
Galadriel's brother Finrod dies
in Sauron's dungeon.
Galadriel's brother Orodreth is
killed defending Nargothrond in the Battle of Tumhalad.
Dwarves who covet the Silmaril slay
An army of Dwarves defeat the Elves
of Doriath. Thingol's grandson Dior later returns to Doriath and receives
the Silmaril.
The sons of Feanor invade Doriath
to try to capture the Silmaril. Doriath is ruined and abandoned.
Morgoth is defeated in the War of
Wrath (545-587). Many of the Noldor return to the Undying Lands, but Galadriel
remains in Middle-earth with Celeborn. End of the First Age.
Second Age:
Galadriel and Celeborn may have
been living near Lake Evendim around this time.
Galadriel and Celeborn leave the
shores of Lake Evendim and begin to move eastward.
Founding of the realm of Eregion.
c. 883
Galadriel meets King
Aldarion of
Numenor in Tharbad.
Sauron comes to Eregion in a fair
disguise and deceives the Elven-smiths of Eregion.
c. 1350
- 1400
According one story, Galadriel leaves
Eregion and goes to dwell in Lothlorien around this time. (See also 1697.)
c. 1500
The Elven-smiths of Eregion begin
forging the Rings of Power under Sauron's instruction.
c. 1590
The Three Rings of the Elves are
made without Sauron's aid.
c. 1600
Sauron forges the One Ring in Mount
The Three Rings are hidden. Galadriel
receives Nenya.
Sauron's forces destroy Eregion.
According to one story, Celeborn and Galadriel cross the Misty Mountains
to Lothlorien at this time.
Sauron's forces are defeated and
he retreats to Mordor. Celeborn and Galadriel may have been in Rivendell
at this time.
Third Age:
Galadriel's daughter Celebrian marries
Birth of Galadriel's grandsons,
Elladan and Elrohir.
Birth of Galadriel's granddaughter,
It is learned that an evil power
has built the stronghold of Dol Guldur across the Anduin from Lothlorien.
Galadriel and Celeborn may have visited Lothlorien around this time to
help build its defenses.
The Balrog awakes in Moria.
King Amroth leaves Lothlorien in
pursuit of Nimrodel and is lost at Sea. Celeborn and Galadriel become the
Lord and Lady of Lothlorien.
The Wise fear the power at Dol Guldur
may be Sauron.
Gandalf goes to Dol Guldur to investigate
and Sauron flees to the East.
Sauron returns with increased strength
to Dol Guldur.
Galadriel summons the White Council.
She wants Gandalf the Grey to be the leader, but Saruman is chosen instead.
Galadriel's daughter Celebrian is
captured by Orcs in the Redhorn Gate and is rescued by her sons.
Celebrian leaves Middle-earth and
goes to the Undying Lands. Eorl the Young comes to the aid of Gondor at
the Field of Celebrant, and Galadriel's
power may have helped him pass Dol Guldur.
Gandalf returns to Dol Guldur and
learns that the evil presence is Sauron.
The White Council meets. Gandalf
reports that Sauron is at Dol Guldur and urges an attack, but Saruman overrules
The White Council decides to attack
Dol Guldur. Sauron flees before them.
Sauron returns in secret to Mordor.
Sauron declares himself openly in
Mordor. Nazgul are sent to occupy Dol Guldur.
Last meeting of the White Council.
Saruman lies and says he has determined that the Ring was washed down to
the Sea.
Aragorn comes to Lothlorien and
becomes betrothed to Galadriel's granddaughter Arwen.
December: Elladan and Elrohir
come to Lothlorien to tell Galadriel of the decision made at the Council
of Elrond to destroy the One Ring.
January 15: The Fellowship
of the Ring arrives in Lothlorien.
January 17: Galadriel and
Celeborn receive the Fellowship in Caras Galadhon.
February 14: Galadriel lets
Frodo look into her Mirror. Frodo offers her the One Ring and Galadriel
rejects it.
February 16: Galadriel gives
the Fellowship gifts on their departure from Lorien.
February 17: Gwaihir brings
Gandalf the White to Lothlorien.
March 11: Lothlorien is attacked
by forces from Dol Guldur.
March 15: Second assault
on Lothlorien.
March 22: Third assault on
March 25: The Ring is destroyed
and Sauron is defeated.
March 28: Celeborn and Galadriel
lead a force from Lothlorien to capture Dol Guldur. Galadriel casts down
the walls.
May 20: Elrond and Arwen arrive
in Lothlorien.
May 27: Galadriel leaves
Lothlorien with Arwen and sets out for Minas Tirith.
1 Lithe: Galadriel arrives
in Minas Tirith with Arwen.
Mid-year's Day: Wedding of
Arwen and Aragorn.
July 22: Galadriel leaves Minas Tirith with the funeral escort of King Theoden.
August 7: Galadriel arrives
in Edoras.
August 10: Galadriel attends
the funeral of King Theoden.
August 14: Galadriel leaves
Edoras with the Fellowship.
August 22: Galadriel meets
Treebeard for possibly the last time. She bids farewell to Aragorn.
August 28: The travelers
encounter Saruman on the road.
September 13: Galadriel and Celeborn part company with Gandalf, Elrond, and the Hobbits. They cross the Redhorn Gate and return to Lothlorien.
September 22: Galadriel and
Elrond meet Frodo in the Shire.
September 29: Galadriel boards
a ship and sails into the West to the Undying Lands.
Some Elves outside of Lothlorien,
to whom Galadriel was merely a legend, referred to her as Galadhriel
because they mistakenly interpreted her name to include the element galadh,
meaning "tree."
Tales: "The History of Galadriel and Celeborn - Appendix E: The Names
of Celeborn and Galadriel," p. 267
Altariel is the Quenya version
of Galadriel. The word alata is the Quenya equivalent of
meaning "radiance." The Telerin version of her name is spelled
The Silmarillion:
"Appendix - Elements in Quenya and Sindarin Names," entry for kal
Artanis was Galadriel's father-name
- the name given to her by her father at birth. It means "noble woman"
in Quenya. The element ar means "noble, royal" and the element ta
also means "high, noble, lofty." The element nis means "woman."
Tales: "The History of Galadriel and Celeborn," 231
The History
of Middle-earth, vol. V, The Lost Road and Other Writings: "The Etymologies,"
entries for NDIS and TA/TA3
Nerwen was Galadriel's mother-name
- the name given by her mother. It means "man-maiden," in reference to
Galadriel's unusual height and strength. The word ner means "man"
and wen means "maiden."
Tales: "The History of Galadriel and Celeborn," 229
The History
of Middle-earth, vol. V, The Lost Road and Other Writings: "The Etymologies,"
entries for DER and WEN
Lady of
the Noldor:
Galadriel was the noblest lady of
the Elves called the Noldor.
Lady of
Lórien, Lady of the Golden Wood, Lady of the Wood, Queen Galadriel:
Galadriel was called by these titles
because she ruled the Golden Wood of Lothlorien.
Lady of
the Galadhrim:
The people of Lothlorien were called
the Galadhrim, or the "people of the trees."
White Lady:
Galadriel was referred to as the White
Lady. She had fair skin and often wore white robes, and she seemed
to shine with a white light. The name is also a contrast with the Dark
Lord, with whom she was in opposition.
of the Golden Wood:
Grima Wormtongue called Galadriel
the Sorceress of the Golden Wood, falsely insinuating that she wove
webs of deceit.
The Two
Towers: "The King of the Golden Hall," p. 118
of Magic:
Galadriel was called the Mistress
of Magic by Faramir.
The Two
Towers: "The Window on the West," p. 275
All entries are Copyright © by the Thain from former tuckborough.net. Please contact me if you are Thain or know anything about how to contact the original author.
2003-2011, The Thain's Book - thainsbook.minastirith.cz
- e-mail: thain at tuckborough.net