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Abattarik, Ar- - see Tar-Ardamin
Achad Tarlang - see Tarlang's Neck
Adaldrida Bolger - see Adaldrida Brandybuck
Adamanta Chubb - see Adamanta Took
Adrahil (father of Imrahil)
Adrahil (military commander)
Aeglos (plant)
Aeglos (spear of Gil-galad)
Aelin-uial - see Meres of Twilight
Agathurush - see Greyflood
Aglarond (caves) - see Glittering Caves
Aglarond (stronghold) - see Helm's Deep
Aiglos - see Aeglos (spear of Gil-galad)
Aikanar; Aikanaro - see Aegnor
Aiwendel - see Radagast the Brown
Akallabeth - see Numenor
Akallabeth (story)
Alatariel - see Galadriel: Names & Titles
Aldalome - see Fangorn Forest
Aldea - see Trewsday
Alduya - see Trewsday
Alfirin; see also Simbelmyne
Alfrida of the Yale - see Alfrida Bolger
Altariel - see Galadriel: Names & Titles
Amandil (father of Elendil)
Amandil, Tar- (King of Numenor)
Ambarato - see Aegnor
Ambarona - see Fangorn Forest
Amethyst Hornblower - see Amethyst Bolger
Amon Amarth - see Mount Doom
Amon Anwar - see Halifirien
Amon Lanc - see Dol Guldur
Amon Sul - see Weathertop
Amon Tirith - see Hill of Guard
Anadune - see Numenor
Anardil (King of Gondor)
Anardil (King of Numenor) - see Tar-Aldarion
Anarion (King of Gondor)
Anarion, Tar- (King of Numenor)
Anarya - see Sunday
Andor - see Numenor
Anducal, Tar- - see Herucalmo
Angamando - see Angband
The Angle (Eriador)
The Angle (Lothlorien) - see Lothlorien; Lothlorien: Names & Etymology
Angren - see Isen
Angrenost - see Isengard & Orthanc
Annatar - see Sauron: Names & Titles
Ar-Abattarik - see Tar-Ardamin
Ar-Belzagar - see Tar-Calmacil
Ar-Feiniel - see Aredhel
Ar-Inziladun - see Tar-Palantir
Ar-Zimraphel - see Miriel
Aracano - see Fingolfin
Arakano - see Fingolfin
Arandur - see Steward of Gondor
Aranel - see Dior
Ardamir (Numenorean)
Ardamir, Ardamire - see Earendil
Arnach - see Lossarnach
Artafinde - see Finrod Felagund
Artanis - see Galadriel: Names & Titles
Artano - see Sauron: Names & Titles
Artaresto - see Orodreth (Elf)
Arthedain - see Arnor
Arthorien; Arthurien - see Doriath
Asea aranion - see Athelas
Asphodel Brandybuck - see Asphodel Burrows
Atalante - see Numenor
Atandil - see Finrod Felagund
Athrad Angren - see Isen
Aulendil (Man of Numenor)
Aulendil (name of Sauron) - see Sauron: Names & Titles
Azanulbizar - see Dimrill Dale
Azrubel - see Earendil
Baggins, Belba - see Belba Bolger
Baggins, Bingo (earlier name of Frodo Baggins) - see Frodo Baggins: Names & Titles
Baggins, Bingo (uncle of Bilbo Baggins)
Baggins, Daisy - see Daisy Boffin
Baggins, Lily - see Lily Goodbody
Baggins, Linda - see Linda Proudfoot
Baggins, Pansy - see Pansy Bolger
Baggins, Peony - see Peony Burrows
Baggins, Ponto (I)
Baggins, Ponto (II)
Baggins, Prisca - see Prisca Bolger
Baggins, Rosa - see Rosa Took
Bair Nestad; Bair Nestedrin - see Houses of Healing
Balan - see Beor
Balchoth - see Rhun & the Easterlings
Banazir Galbasi - see Samwise Gamgee: Names & Titles
Banks, Eglantine - see Eglantine Took
Barad-dur, Siege of (War of the Last Alliance)
Barahir (father of Beren)
Barahir (grandson of Faramir)
Barahir (Ruling Steward of Gondor)
Baranduin - see Brandywine
Barazinbar - see Redhorn
Bard I (Bard the Bowman)
Barrel-rider - see Bilbo Baggins: Names & Titles
Barrow-blades - see Merry's Sword; Sam's Sword; "Troll's Bane" (Pippin's Sword)
Battle Gardens - see Bagshot Row
Battle of Azanulbizar - see War of the Dwarves and the Orcs
Battle of Dagorlad (War of the Last Alliance)
Battle of the Black Gate - see Battle of the Morannon
Battle of the Crossings of Erui - see Kin-strife
Battle of the Field of Celebrant
Battle of the Fords of Isen, First
Battle of the Fords of Isen, Second
Battle of the Green Fields - see Battle of Greenfields
Battle of the Gwathlo - see War of the Elves and Sauron
Battle of the Hornburg - see Battle of Helm's Deep
Battle of Wrath and Thunder - see War of Wrath
Battle Plain - see Dagorlad
Battle Terrible - see War of Wrath
Beater - see Glamdring
Bee of Azure - see Helluin
Belba Baggins - see Belba Bolger
Beleg (King of Arthedain)
Beleg Strongbow (Elf)
Bell Goodchild - see Bell Gamgee
Belladonna Took - see Belladonna Baggins
Belzagar, Ar- - see Tar-Calmacil
Beor the Young - see Baran
Beregond (Guard of the Citadel)
Beregond (Steward of Gondor)
Beren (Steward of Gondor)
Berennyn - see Brown Lands
Bereth - see Beleth
Berhael - see Samwise Gamgee: Names & Titles
Bert - see Trolls
Berylla Boffin - see Berylla Baggins
Besain - see Lembas
Better Smials - see Bagshot Row
Bilba Labingi - see Bilbo Baggins: Names & Titles
Bilbo the Magnificent - see Bilbo Baggins: Names & Titles
Bilbo's Party - see Farewell Party
Bill Huggins - see Trolls
Bindbale Wood - see Bindbole Wood
Bingo Baggins (earlier name of Frodo Baggins) - see Frodo Baggins: Names & Titles
Bingo Baggins (uncle of Bilbo Baggins)
Birthday Party - see Farewell Party
Biter - see Orcrist
Black Captain - see Lord of the Nazgul: Names and Titles
Black Chasm - see Khazad-dum / Moria
Black Easterling - see Khamul
Black Hand - see Sauron: Names & Titles
Black Land - see Mordor
Black Master - see Sauron: Names & Titles
Black One - see Sauron: Names & Titles
Black Pit - see Khazad-dum / Moria
Black Stone - see Stone of Erech
Black Thorn of Brethil - see Anglachel / Gurthang
Black Wings - see Fell Beasts; Nazgul
Blade that was Broken - see Anduril / Narsil
Blooting - see Blotmath
Blue Bee - see Helluin
Blue Ring - see Three Rings of the Elves (Vilya)
Boffin, Berylla - see Berylla Baggins
Boffin, Gerda - see Gerda Bolger
Boffin, Jessamine - see Jessamine Bolger
Boffin, Primrose - see Primrose Bracegirdle
Bolger, Adaldrida - see Adaldrida Brandybuck
Bolger, Estella - see Estella Brandybuck
Bolger, Ruby - see Ruby Baggins
Boromir (Lord of the House of Beor)
Boromir (member of the Fellowship)
Boromir (Steward of Gondor)
Bough of Return - see Oiolaire
Bounders - see Shirriffs
Bracegirdle, Hilda - see Hilda Brandybuck
Bracegirdle, Lobelia - see Lobelia Sackville-Baggins
Bragollach - see Battle of Sudden Flame
Bralda-him - see Brandywine River
Brandagamba, Kalimac - see Meriadoc Brandybuck: Names & Titles
Branda-nin - see Brandywine River
Brandybuck, Asphodel - see Asphodel Burrows
Brandybuck, Primula - see Primula Baggins
Brandybuck, Salvia - see Salvia Bolger
Brandybuck, Saradoc "Scattergold"
Bregalad - see Quickbeam
Brego (King of Rohan)
Bridge of Esgalduin - see Iant Iaur
Bridge of Mitheithel - see Last Bridge
Bridge of Stonebows - see Brandywine Bridge
Broadbelt Brandybuck - see Gorbadoc Brandybuck
Brockhouse, Sapphira - see Sapphira Boffin
Bronwe athan Harthad - see Frodo Baggins: Names & Titles
Brown, Lily - see Lily Cotton
Brownhay - see Rhosgobel
Brownlock, Gilly - see Gilly Baggins
Bucklebury Ferry - see Brandywine River
Budge Ford (ford) - see The Water
Budgeford (village)
Bullroarer - see Bandobras "Bullroarer" Took
Bunce, Mimosa - see Mimosa Baggins
Bundushathur - see Cloudyhead
The Burg - see Hornburg
Burning Briar - see Valacirca
Burrows, Druda - see Druda Boffin
Burrows, Moto - see Moro Burrows
Calenardhon - see Rohan
Calimehtar (grandfather of Castamir)
Calimehtar (King of Gondor)
Calion, Tar- - see Ar-Pharazon
Calmacil (King of Gondor)
Calmacil, Tar- (King of Numenor)
Camellia Sackville - see Camellia Baggins
Canafinwe - see Maglor
Cano - see Maglor
Captain of Despair - - see Lord of the Nazgul: Names and Titles
Carach Angren - see Isenmouthe
Caradhras - see Redhorn
Carchost - see Towers of the Teeth
Cardolan - see Arnor
Carnen - see Redwater
Carnistir - see Caranthir
Causeway (Gondor)
Causeway (The Shire)
Cave-trolls - see Trolls
Caverns of Helm's Deep - see Glittering Caves
Caverns of Narog - see Nargothrond
Celduin - see River Running
Celebdil - see Silvertine
Celeborn (Elf)
Celeborn (tree)
Celebrant (river) - see Silverlode
Celebrimbor (Elf)
Celebrindor (Dunadan)
Cemendur (King of Gondor)
Cemendur (Man of Numenor)
Cermie - see Afterlithe
Cerveth - see Afterlithe
Chamber of Records - see Chamber of Mazarbul
Chica Chubb - see Chica Baggins
Chief, Chief Shirriff - see Lotho Sackville-Baggins
Chieftain of the Ringwraiths - - see Lord of the Nazgul
Child of the Kindly West - see Bilbo Baggins: Names & Titles
Chithing - see Astron
Chubb, Adamanta - see Adamanta Took
Chubb, Chica - see Chica Baggins
Chubb-Baggins, Poppy - see Poppy Bolger
Circle of Isengard - see Isengard & Orthanc
Cirion (Steward of Gondor)
Ciryon (son of Isildur)
Cirith Duath - see Cirith Ungol
Cirith Forn en Andrath - see High Pass
Cirith Thoronath - see Eagles' Cleft
Cirith Ungol (pass)
Ciryaher - see Hyarmendacil I
Citadel-gate - see Seven Gates of Minas Tirith
The City - see Minas Anor / Minas Tirith
City Gate - see Great Gate of Minas Tirith
City of Gondor - see Minas Anor / Minas Tirith
City of Seven Names - see Gondolin: Names & Etymology
City of the Kings - see Armenelos
City of the Trees - see Caras Galadhon
Clayhanger, Lalia - see Lalia Took
The Cleft - see Cirith Ungol
Closed Door - see Fen Hollen
Coat of mithril-mail - see Mithril shirt
Cof Belfalas - see Bay of Belfalas
Coimas - see Lembas
Coire - see Seasons of the Year
Coldfells - see Ettenmoors
The Coomb - see Deeping-coomb
Cora Goodbody - see Cora Bolger
Cormare - see Ringday
Corsairs - see Harad
Cotton, Long Hom - see Holman Cotton
Cotton, Rose - see Rose Cotton Gamgee
Cotton, Tolman "Tom" (elder)
Cotton, Tolman "Tom" (younger)
Council of the Wise - see White Council
Craban - see Crebain
Crack of Doom - see Chambers of Fire
Crossings of Erui - see Erui
Crossings of Isen - see Isen
Crossings of Poros - see Poros
Crown of Durin (constellation) - see Valacirca
Crown of Elendil - see Crown of Gondor
The Curtain - see Henneth Annun
Curufinwe - see Feanor
Curumo - see Saruman
Curunir - see Saruman
Cuthalion - see Beleg Strongbow
Dagor Aglareb - see Glorious Battle
Dagor Bragollach - see Battle of Sudden Flame
Dagor Delothrin - see War of Wrath
Dagor-nuin-Giliath - see Battle-under-Stars
Dagorlad, Battle of (War of the Last Alliance)
Daisy Baggins - see Daisy Boffin
Daisy Gamgee (daughter of Sam Gamgee)
Daisy Gamgee (sister of Sam Gamgee)
Dale, First Battle of - see Battle of the Five Armies
Dark Country - see Mordor
Dark Elf - see Eol
Dark Lord - see Sauron: Names & Titles
Dark Mountains - see Mountains of Mirkwood
Daur - see Frodo Baggins: Names & Titles
Dead City - see Minas Ithil / Minas Morgul
Dead Marshes
Dead Tree - see White Tree of Gondor
Deadman's Dike - see Fornost
Deepdelver Brandybuck - see Gormadoc Brandybuck
Denethor (Elf)
Denethor I (Steward of Gondor)
Denethor II (Steward of Gondor during the War of the Ring)
Dernhelm - see Eowyn: Names and Titles
Desolation of the Dragon - see Desolation of Smaug
Diamond of Long Cleeve - see Diamond Took
Diggle, Dina - see Dina Bolger
Dina Diggle - see Dina Bolger
Dior (Heir of Thingol)
Dior (Steward of Gondor)
Donnamira Took - see Donnamira Boffin
Dor-en-Ernil - see Belfalas
Dor-nu-Fauglith - see Anfauglith
The Downfallen - see Numenor
Downlands - see Barrow-downs
Dreamflower - see Lothlorien: Names & Etymology
Druda Burrows - see Druda Boffin
Duin Daer - see Gelion
The Dunadan - see Aragorn II: Names & Titles
Dunlendings - see Dunland
Durin's Bane - see Balrogs
Durin's Bridge - see Bridge of Khazad-dum
Durin's Heir - see King of Durin's Folk
Dwarf Rings - see Seven Rings of the Dwarves
Dwarf-road (Mirkwood) - see Old Forest Road
Dwarrowdelf - see Khazad-dum / Moria
Dwimmerlaik - see Lord of the Nazgul: Names and Titles
Dwimordene - see Lothlorien: Names & Etymology
Eadig - see Eomer: Names & Titles
Earendil (King of Gondor)
Earendil (mariner)
Earendil (star)
Earendur (King of Arnor)
Earendur (Lord of Andunie)
Earendur (son of Tar-Amandil)
Earenya - see Mersday
East End - see Fangorn Forest
East-gate of Moria - see Dimrill Gate
East Lorien - see Lothlorien; Lothlorien: Names & Etymology
East March - see Buckland
East Road - see Great East Road
East-West Road - see Great East Road
Easterlings - see Rhun & the Easterlings for a history of the people; see Other Men: Easterlings for biographies of individuals
Eastlands - see Rhun & the Easterlings
Echoing Hills / Echoing Mountains - see Ered Lomin
Echuir - see Seasons of the Year
Ecthelion I (Steward of Gondor)
Ecthelion II (Steward of Gondor)
Ecthelion of the Fountain (Elf of Gondolin)
Edegil - see Valacirca
Edennil - see Finrod Felagund
Ednew - see Theoden: Names & Titles
Egladil - see Lothlorien; Lothlorien: Names & Etymology
Eglador - see Doriath
Eglantine Banks - see Eglantine Took
Eilenaer - see Halifirien Eithel Ivrin
Elanor (flower)
Elanor Gamgee - see Elanor the Fair
Elanor Gardner - see Elanor the Fair
Eldacar (King of Arnor)
Eldacar (King of Gondor)
Eledhwen - see Morwen
Elendil, Tar- (King of Numenor)
Elendur (King of Arnor)
Elendur (son of Isildur)
Elenna - see Numenor
Elentirmo - see Tar-Meneldur
Elenya - see Sterday
Elerosse - see Elros Tar-Minyatur
Elessar (jewel)
Elessar (title) - see Aragorn II: Names & Titles
Elestirne, Tar- - see Erendis
Elf-friend - see Bilbo Baggins: Names & Titles; Frodo Baggins: Names & Titles; Gimli: Names & Titles
Elfsheen - see Morwen
Elfstone (jewel) - see Elessar
Elfstone (title) - see Aragorn II: Names & Titles
Eluchil - see Dior
Elven Doors - see Doors of Durin
Elven Rings - see Three Rings of the Elves
Elven rope - see Hithlain
Elvenking - see Thranduil
Emerwen Aranel - see Tar-Ancalime
Emyn Beraid - see Tower Hills
Emyn Duir - see Mountains of Mirkwood
Emyn Engrin - see Iron Hills
Emyn-nu-Fuin - see Mountains of Mirkwood
Emyn Uial - see Hills of Evendim
Endurance beyond Hope - see Frodo Baggins: Names & Titles
The Enemy - see Sauron: Names & Titles
Entwade - see Entwash
Entwood - see Fangorn Forest
Envinyatar - see Aragorn II: Names & Titles
Eomund (Eomer's father)
Eomund (Eorl's captain)
Eorlingas - see Rohan: Names & Etymology
Eotheod (people) - see Rohan for the history of the people; see Rohirrim for biographies of individuals
Ephel Duath - see Mountains of Shadow
Erebor - see Lonely Mountain
Ered Lindon - see Blue Mountains
Ered Lithui - see Ash Mountains
Ered Luin - see Blue Mountains
Ered Mithrin - see Grey Mountains
Ered Nimrais - see White Mountains
Ereinion - see Gil-galad
Ernil i Pheriannath - see Peregrin Took: Names & Titles
Ertuile - see Astron
Eryn Fuir - see Firien Wood
Eryn Galen - see Mirkwood
Eryn Lasgalen - see Mirkwood
Esgaliant - see Iant Iaur
Esgaroth - see Lake-town
Esmeralda Took - see Esmeralda Brandybuck
Estel - see Aragorn II: Names & Titles
Estella Bolger - see Estella Brandybuck
Ethir Anduin - see Anduin
Ethraid Engrin - see Isen
Ethuil - see Seasons of the Year
Ettendales - see Ettenmoors
Evenstar - see Arwen
Evermind - see Simbelmyne
Evil Eye - see Sauron: Names & Titles
The Eye - see Sauron: Names & Titles
Eye of Barad-dur - see Sauron: Names & Titles
Eye of Mordor - see Sauron: Names & Titles
Eye of Sauron - see Sauron: Names & Titles
Fading (season) - see Seasons of the Year
Faelivrin - see Finduilas
Faenor - see Feanor
Falassion, Tar- - see Ar-Sakalthor
Falls of Celebros - see Dimrost Falls of Ivrin
Fang (dog)
Fangorn (Ent) - see Treebeard
Fanuidhol - see Cloudyhead
Far Harad - see Harad
Faramir (son of Denethor II)
Faramir (son of Ondoher)
Fastred (Rider of Rohan)
Fastred (son of Folcwine)
Fastred of Greenholm (Hobbit)
Father of Dragons - see Glaurung
Father of Horses - see Felarof
Feanaro - see Feanor
Feiniel, Ar- - see Aredhel
Fell Winter (First Age)
Fell Winter (Third Age)
Fell Year - see Battle of Sudden Flame
Field of Celebrant, Battle of the
Fiery Mountain - see Mount Doom
Fifth Battle - see Battle of Unnumbered Tears
Findarato Ingoldo - see Finrod Felagund
Finduilas (Elf)
Finduilas (Woman of Gondor)
Finglas - see Leaflock
Finwion - see Feanor
Fire-mountain - see Mount Doom
Fire of Doom - see Chambers of Fire
Firiel (Woman of Gondor)
Firiel Fairbairn (Hobbit)
Firienholt - see Firien Wood
Firith - see Seasons of the Year
First Battle (War of the Jewels)
First Battle of Dale - see Battle of the Five Armies
First Battle of the Fords of Isen
First Eastfarthing Troop - see Shiriffs
First Marshal of the Mark - see Marshals of the Mark
First Shirriff - see Mayor of Michel Delving; Shirriffs
Five Wizards - see Order of Wizards
Fladrif - see Skinbark
Flame of the West - see Anduril
Flame of Udun - see Balrogs
Flammifer of Westernesse - see Earendil (Star)
Flourdumpling - see Will Whitfoot
Foe-hammer - see Glamdring
Fool of a Took - see Peregrin Took: Names & Titles
Ford of Bruinen - see Bruinen
Ford of Rivendell - see Bruinen
Fords of Isen - see Isen
Forest of Neldoreth - see Doriath
Forest of Region - see Doriath
Forest Road - see Old Forest Road
Forgoil - see Rohan: Names & Etymology
Forlindon - see Lindon
Forlond - see Gulf of Lune
Forn - see Tom Bombadil
Forochel (Icebay and Cape)
Fourth Battle - see Battle of Sudden Flame
Fox Downs - see Far Downs
Frery - see Afteryule
Frodo Gamgee - see Frodo Gardner
Frodo of the Nine Fingers - see Frodo Baggins: Names & Titles
Fui 'Ngorthrim - see Paths of the Dead
Full Muster of the Riders of the Mark - see Eohere
Gabilgathol - see Belegost
Gabilan - see Gelion
The Gaffer - see Hamfast "Gaffer" Gamgee
Galabas - see Gamwich
Galadhriel (alternate spelling of Galadriel) - see Galadriel: Names & Titles
Galadwen - see Vidumavi
Galbasi, Banazir - see Samwise Gamgee: Names & Titles
Galbasi, Ranugad - see Hamfast "Gaffer" Gamgee: Names & Titles
Galbedirs - see Huorns
Galdor (Elf of Gondolin) - see note under Galdor (Elf of the Grey Havens)
Galdor (Elf of the Grey Havens)
Galdor (Man of the Edain)
Gamgee, Daisy (daughter of Sam Gamgee)
Gamgee, Daisy (sister of Sam Gamgee)
Gamgee, Elanor - see Elanor the Fair
Gamgee, Frodo - see Frodo Gardner
Gamgee, Goldilocks - see Goldilocks Took
Gamgee, Halfred (brother of Sam Gamgee)
Gamgee, Halfred of Overhill (uncle of Sam Gamgee)
Gamgee, Hamfast "Gaffer" (father of Sam Gamgee)
Gamgee, Hamfast (son of Sam Gamgee)
Gamgee, Marigold - see Marigold Cotton
Gamgee, May (aunt of Sam Gamgee)
Gamgee, May (sister of Sam Gamgee)
Gamgee, Roper - see Hobson Gamgee
Gamgee, Rose (daughter of Sam Gamgee)
Gamgee, Rose Cotton (wife of Sam Gamgee)
Gandalf Greyhame - see Gandalf: Names and Titles
Gandalf Stormcrow - see Gandalf: Names and Titles
Gap of Calenardhon - see Gap of Rohan
Gardner, Elanor - see Elanor the Fair
Gardner, Goldilocks - see Goldilocks Took
Gardner, Rose (daughter of Sam Gamgee)
Gardner, Rose Cotton (wife of Sam Gamgee)
Gardner, Sam - see Samwise Gamgee: Names & Titles
Garthoren; Gar Thurion - see Gondolin: Names & Etymology
Garthurian - see Doriath: Names & Etymology
Gasping Dust - see Anfauglith
Gate of Gondor - see Great Gate of Minas Tirith
Gate of Kings - see Argonath
Gate of the City - see Great Gate of Minas Tirith
Gate-stream - see Sirannon
Gates of Argonath - see Argonath
Gates of Gondor - see Argonath
Gates of Mordor - see Black Gate
Gelduin - see Gelion
Gelmir (Elf of Nargothrond)
Gerda Boffin - see Gerda Bolger
Gerontius Took (The Old Took)
Gevelon / Gevilon - see Gelion
Gil-Estel - see Earendil (Star)
Gilly Brownlock - see Gilly Baggins
Gilraen (mother of Aragorn)
Gilrain (river)
Girithron - see Foreyule
Gladuial - see Nan Elmoth
Glaemscrafu - see Glittering Caves
Glanhir - see Mering Stream
Gloin (father of Gimli)
Gloin (King of Durin's Folk)
Glornan - see Lothlorien: Names & Etymology
Goblin-cleaver - see Orcrist
Gold-Worm of Angband - see Glaurung
Golden Hall - see Meduseld
Golden Wood - see Lothlorien
Goldfather Brandybuck - see Rorimac Brandybuck
Goldilocks Gamgee - see Goldilocks Took
Goldilocks Gardner - see Goldilocks Took
Goldworthy, Hanna - see Hanna Brandybuck
Golf - see Bandobras "Bullroarer" Took; Golfimbul
Gondobar - see Gondolin: Names & Etymology
Gondolindrim - see Gondolin: Names & Etymology
Gondost - see Gondolin: Names & Etymology
Gondothlim; Gondothlimbar - see Gondolin: Names & Etymology
Gondothrim; Gondothrimbar - see Gondolin: Names & Etymology
Goodbody, Cora - see Cora Bolger
Goodchild, Bell - see Bell Gamgee
Goodenough, Ivy - see Ivy Boffin
Goold, Menegilda - see Menegilda Brandybuck
The Gore - see Lothlorien; Lothlorien: Names & Etymology
Gorhendad Oldbuck - see Gorhendad Brandybuck
Gorthaur the Cruel - see Sauron: Names & Titles
Gothmog (Lieutenant of Minas Morgul)
Gothmog (Lord of Balrogs) - see Balrogs
Gram (King of Rohan)
Grange - see Old Grange
Gray Havens - see Grey Havens
Great Barrows - see Barrow-downs
Great Battle - see War of Wrath
Great Bridge - see Brandywine Bridge
Great Captain - see Tar-Aldarion
Great Door - see Great Smials
Great Dwarf Road - see Old Forest Road
Great Eye - see Sauron: Names & Titles
Great Gates (Khazad-dum) - see Dimrill Gate
Great Haven - see Lond Daer
Great Isle - see Numenor
Great Middle Haven - see Lond Daer
Great Mound - see Haudh-en-Ndengin
Great Place of the Tooks - see Great Smials
The Great Ring - see The One Ring
Great River - see Anduin
Great Willow - see Old Man Willow
Great Worm; Great Worm of Angband - see Glaurung
Great Writ of Tuckborough - see Yearbook of Tuckborough
Greater Gelion - see Gelion
Green Bough of Return - see Oiolaire
Green Hill Country (The Shire)
Green Hills (Gondor)
Greenway - see North-South Road
Greenwood the Great - see Mirkwood
Grey Fool - see Gandalf: Names and Titles
Grey Host - see The Dead
Grey Messenger - see Gandalf: Names and Titles
Grey Pilgrim - see Gandalf: Names and Titles
Grey Wanderer - see Gandalf: Names and Titles
Grey Wood - see Druadan Forest
Grindwall - see Withywindle
Grip (dog)
Grond (battering ram)
Grond (Morgoth's mace)
Grubb, Laura - see Laura Baggins
Grubb, Lavender - see Lavender Boffin
Guarded City - see Minas Anor / Minas Tirith
Guards of the Citadel; Guards of the Tower of Gondor
Guesthouse - see Old Guesthouse
Gwaeron - see Rethe
Gwarestrin - see Gondolin: Names & Etymology
Gwirith - see Astron
Hadhodrond - see Khazad-dum / Moria
Hador (Man of the Edain)
Hador (Steward of Gondor)
Haldir (Elf)
Haldir (Man of the Edain)
Haleth (Man of Rohan)
Haleth (Woman of the Edain)
Half-elven - see Elrond: Names & Titles
The Halfling - see Frodo Baggins: Names & Titles
Halfred Gamgee (brother of Sam Gamgee)
Halfred Gamgee of Overhill (uncle of Sam Gamgee)
Halifirien Wood - see Firien Wood
Hall of the Kings - see Tower Hall
Hallowed Mountain - see Meneltarma
Hama (Doorward of Theoden)
Hama (son of Helm)
Hamfast "Gaffer" Gamgee (father of Sam Gamgee)
Hamfast Gamgee (son of Sam Gamgee)
Hammer of the Underworld - see Grond
Hanna Goldworthy - see Hanna Brandybuck
Haradrim - see Harad
Haradwaith - see Harad
Harding (Man of Rohan)
Harding Gardner (Hobbit)
Harding of the Hill - see Harding Gardner (Hobbit)
Harlindon - see Lindon
Harlond (Lindon) - see Gulf of Lune
Harlond (Minas Tirith)
Harondor - see South Gondor
Harthad Uluithiad - see Samwise Gamgee: Names & Titles
Harvestmath - see Halimath
Haudh-en-Arwen - see Ladybarrow
Haunted Mountain - see Dwimorberg
Haunted Pass - see Cirith Gorgor
Haven of Umbar; Havens of Umbar
Havens of the Falas - see Brithombar & Eglarest
Havens of the Shipwrights - see Brithombar & Eglarest
The Hay - see High Hay
Heart of the Mountain - see Arkenstone
The Hedge - see High Hay
Heir of Durin - see King of Durin's Folk
Helcaraxe - see Grinding Ice
Hells of Iron - see Angband
Hensday - see Hevensday
Her Ladyship - see Shelob
Heren Istarion - see Order of Wizards
Herunumen, Tar- - see Ar-Adunakhor
Hevenesdei - see Hevensday
Hidden Kingdom - see Doriath or Gondolin
High City - see Citadel
High Nazgul - see Lord of the Nazgul: Names and Titles
Highdei - see Highday
Hilda Bracegirdle - see Hilda Brandybuck
Hill of Erech - see Stone of Erech
Hill of Hearing - see Amon Lhaw
Hill of Sight - see Amon Hen
Hill of the Eye - see Amon Hen
Hill-trolls - see Trolls
Hirluin the Fair - see Hirluin of the Green Hills
Hisilome - see Hithlum
Hisime - see Blotmath
Hithaeglir - see Misty Mountains
Hithui - see Blotmath
Hlothram - see Cotman
Hobbit-holes - see Smials
Hobbiton Hill - see The Hill
Hobbiton Road - see Bywater Road
Holbytla, Master - see Meriadoc Brandybuck: Names & Titles
Holdwine - see Meriadoc Brandybuck: Names & Titles
Hollin Gate - see Doors of Durin
Hollowbold - see Nogrod
Holy Mountain - see Meneltarma
Hope Unquenchable - see Samwise Gamgee: Names & Titles
Horn (Rider of Rohan)
Horn of Boromir - see Great Horn
Horn of Gondor - see Great Horn
Hornblower, Amethyst - see Amethyst Bolger
Hornblower, Tanta - see Tanta Baggins
Hornburg, Battle of - see Battle of Helm's Deep
Hostamir, Tar- - see Ar-Zimrathon
House of Elrond - see Last Homely House
House of the Stewards (building)
Hrive - see Seasons of the Year
Huggins, William - see Trolls
Hurin the Tall - see Hurin of the Keys
Iarwain Ben-adar - see Tom Bombadil
Iavas - see Seasons of the Year
Imlad Morgul - see Morgul Vale
Imladris - see Rivendell
Imrath Gondraich - see Stonewain Valley
Incanus - see Gandalf: Names and Titles
Indilzar - see Elros Tar-Minyatur
Indis-i-Ciryamo - see Erendis
Inglorion, Gildor - see Gildor Inglorion
Ingoldo - see Finrod Felagund
Inland Sea - see Sea of Rhun
Inziladun, Ar- - see Tar-Palantir
Iorhael - see Frodo Baggins: Names & Titles
Ireth - see Aredhel
Irimon - see Tar-Meneldur
Irith - see Aredhel
Iron Prison - see Angband
Ironfoot - see Dain II
Isfin - see Aredhel
Isildur's Bane - see The One Ring: Names
Isildur's Heir - see Aragorn II: Names & Titles
Isilya - see Monday
Isle of Kings - see Numenor
Itaril; Itarille - see Idril Celebrindal
Ithildin - see Mithril
Ithilduin - see Morgulduin
Ithryn Luin - see Blue Wizards
Ivanneth - see Halimath
Ivonwin - see Lembas
Ivy Goodenough - see Ivy Boffin
Jessamine Boffin - see Jessamine Bolger
Kalimac Brandagamba - see Meriadoc Brandybuck: Names & Titles
Kanafinwe - see Maglor
Kano - see Maglor
Karnil - see Carnil
Karningul - see Rivendell
Kast; Kastu - see Mathom
Kelusse - see Celos
Kheled-zaram - see Mirrormere
Kibil-nala - see Silverlode
King of Men - see Sauron: Names & Titles
King of Minas Morgul - see Lord of the Nazgul
King of the Elves of Northern Mirkwood - see Thranduil
King of the Mountains - see King of the Dead
King of the Nine Riders - see Lord of the Nazgul
King of the West - see Aragorn II: Names & Titles
King of the Woodland Realm - see Thranduil
Kingdom under the Mountain - see Lonely Mountain
Kings' Norbury - see Fornost
Kingsfoil - see Athelas
Kiril - see Ciril
Kurufinwe Fayanaro - see Feanor
Labingi, Bilba - see Bilbo Baggins: Names & Titles
Labingi, Maura - see Frodo Baggins: Names & Titles
Lady of Lorien - see Galadriel: Names & Titles
Lady of the Galadhrim - see Galadriel: Names & Titles
Lady of the Golden Wood - seeGaladriel: Names & Titles
Lady of the Shield-arm - see Eowyn: Names and Titles
Lady of the Star-brow - see Erendis
Lady of the Westlands - see Erendis
Laer - see Seasons of the Year
Laire - see Seasons of the Year
Lalia Clayhanger - see Lalia Took
Lamorni - see Huorns
Land of Gift - see Numenor
Land of Shadow - see Mordor
Land of the Star - see Numenor
Land of Willows - see Nan-tathren
Langflood - see Anduin
Langstrand - see Anfalas
Lasselanta - see Seasons of the Year
Last Alliance of Elves and Men - see War of the Last Alliance
Last Battle (First Age) - see War of Wrath
Last Mountain - see Methedras
Last of the Seven - see Seven Rings of the Dwarves
Last Riding of the Keepers of the Rings
Lathspell - see Gandalf: Names and Titles
Laurelindorenan; Laurelindorinan - see Lothlorien: Names & Etymology
Laurenande - see Lothlorien: Names & Etymology
Laura Grubb - see Laura Baggins
Lavender Grubb - see Lavender Boffin
Leaf-fall - see Seasons of the Year
Lhun - see Lune
Lidless Eye - see Sauron: Names & Titles
Lieutenant of the Tower of Barad-dur - see Mouth of Sauron
Lightfoot, Nina - see Nina Bolger
Lily Baggins - see Lily Goodbody
Lily Brown - see Lily Cotton
Limhir - see Celon and Limlight
Limlaith - see Limlight
Limlich - see Limlight
Limliht - see Limlight
Limlint - see Limlight
Linda Baggins - see Linda Proudfoot
Lindorinand - see Lothlorien: Names & Etymology
Lithe (holiday)
Lithe (month) - see Forelithe
Lithedays - see Lithe
Little Gelion - see Gelion
Lobelia Bracegirdle - see Lobelia Sackville-Baggins
Lock-bearer - see Gimli: Names & Titles
Loeg Ningloron - see Gladden Fields
Lominore - see Dor-lomin
Lomion - see Maeglin
Lone-lands - see Eriador
Lonely Isle - see Tol Eressea
Long Cleeve, Diamond of - see Diamond Took
Long Hom Cotton - see Holman Cotton
Long Wall - see Andram
Longbottom Leaf - see Pipe-weed
Longshanks - see Aragorn II: Names & Titles
Lord of Barad-dur - see Sauron: Names & Titles
Lord of Carrion - see Lord of the Nazgul: Names and Titles
Lord of the Deeping-coomb - see Erkenbrand
Lord of Gifts - see Sauron: Names & Titles
Lord of Lothlorien - see Celeborn: Names & Titles
Lord of Mordor - see Sauron: Names & Titles
Lord of Morgul - see Lord of the Nazgul: Names and Titles
Lord of the Black Land - see Sauron: Names & Titles
Lord of the Dark Tower - see Sauron: Names & Titles
Lord of the Earth - see Sauron: Names & Titles
Lord of the Fountains - see Ecthelion of the Fountain
Lord of the Galadhrim - see Celeborn: Names & Titles
Lord of the Glittering Caves - see Gimli: Names & Titles
Lord of the Grey Havens - see Cirdan: Names & Titles
Lord of the Havens of the Falas - see Cirdan: Names & Titles
Lord of the Nine Riders - see Lord of the Nazgul: Names and Titles
Lord of the Rings - see Sauron: Names & Titles
Lord of the Ringwraiths - see Lord of the Nazgul: Names and Titles
Lord of the Ships and Havens of Numenor - see Tar-Aldarion
Lord of the Western Lands - see Aragorn II: Names & Titles
Lord of the Westfold - see Erkenbrand
Lord of the White Tree - see Aragorn II: Names & Titles
Lorien (forest in Middle-earth)
Lorinand - see Lothlorien: Names & Etymology
Lorindol - see Hador
Lossoth - see Forodwaith
Lost Isle - see Tol Eressea
Lotesse - see Thrimidge
Loth; Lothengriol - see Gondolin: Names & Etymology
Lothron - see Thrimidge
Lugburz - see Dark Tower
Lumpkin - see Fatty Lumpkin
Lune (river)
Mablung (Elf)
Mablung (Man of Gondor)
Macalaure - see Maglor
Mad Baggins - see Bilbo Baggins: Names & Titles
Mail shirt - see Mithril shirt
Maitimo - see Maedhros
Makalaure - see Maglor
Malgalad - see Amdir
Malinorne; Malinorni - see Mallorn
Malva Headstrong - see Malva Brandybuck
Mamandil - see Hallacar
Manhearted - see Emeldir
Mansbane - see Felarof
Mar-nu-Falmar - see Numenor
Margoliante Beruthiel - see Beruthiel
Marigold Gamgee - see Marigold Cotton
Mariner's Wife - see Erendis
The Mark; The Mark of the Riders - see Rohan
Marshal of the East-mark - see Marshals of the Mark
Marshal of the West-mark - see Marshals of the Mark
Massanie - see Lembas
The Master-ring - see The One Ring
Master of the Forests - see Tar-Aldarion
Master of the Hall - see Master of Buckland
Master of the Westfold - see Erkenbrand
Maura Labingi - see Frodo Baggins: Names & Titles
May Gamgee (aunt of Sam Gamgee)
May Gamgee (sister of Sam Gamgee)
Mede - see Afterlithe
Mellyrn - see Mallorn
Men-i-Naugrim - see Old Forest Road
Men of the Mountains - see The Dead
Menegilda Goold - see Menegilda Brandybuck
Menelmacar - see Menelvagor
Menelya - see Hevensday
Mere of Dead Faces - see Dead Marshes
Meresdei - see Mersday
Merethrond - see Great Hall of Feasts
Meriadoc the Magnificent - see Meriadoc Brandybuck: Names & Titles
Merrill - see Bruinen
Messenger of Mordor - see Mouth of Sauron
Messrs. Grubb, Grubb, and Burrowes
Mickleburg - see Belegost
Mimosa Bunce - see Mimosa Baggins
Minalcar - see Romendacil II
Minas Tirith (Beleriand)
Minas Tirith (Gondor)
Minul-Tarik - see Meneltarma
Minyon First-begotten - see Feanor
Mirabella Took - see Mirabella Brandybuck
Mithe - see Shirebourn
Mithe Steps - see Shirebourn
Mitheithel - see Hoarwell
Mithlond - see Grey Havens
Mithrandir - see Gandalf: Names and Titles
Monendei - see Monday
Moon-tower - see Minas Ithil / Minas Morgul
Morannon - see Black Gate
Morgai - see Mountains of Shadow
Morgul-lord - see Lord of the Nazgul
Moria-silver - see Mithril
Morifinwe - see Caranthir
Morinehtar - see Alatar & Pallando: The Blue Wizards
Mornan - see Blackroot Vale
Morthond (river)
Morthond Vale - see Blackroot Vale
Morwen (grandmother of Egalmoth)
Morwen Eledhwen (mother of Turin)
Morwen Steelsheen (mother of Theoden)
Moryo - see Caranthir
Moto Burrows - see Moro Burrows
Mountain-trolls - see Trolls
Mountains of Lune - see Blue Mountains
Mountains of Moria - see Cloudyhead, Redhorn, and Silvertine
Mountains of the East - see Red Mountains
Mouths of the Anduin - see Anduin
Mouths of the Entwash - see Entwash
Mumak; Mumakil - see Oliphaunts
Mundburg - see Minas Anor / Minas Tirith
Museum - see Mathom-house
Nahald - see Deagol
The Naith - see Lothlorien; Lothlorien: Names & Etymology
The Nameless; The Nameless Enemy; The Nameless One - see Sauron: Names & Titles
Nameless Land - see Mordor
Nameless Pass - see Morgul Pass
Nan Curunir - see Wizard's Vale
Nan Laur - see Lothlorien: Names & Etymology
Nan-tasarion - see Nan-tathren
Nanduhirion - see Dimrill Dale
Narag-zaram - see Lake Helevorn
Narbeleth (month) - see Winterfilth
Narbeleth (season) - see Seasons of the Year
Narchost - see Towers of the Teeth
Narie - see Forelithe
Narquelie - see Winterfilth
Narrow Ice - see Grinding Ice
Narsil - see Anduril / Narsil
Narvinye - see Afteryule
Narwain - see Afteryule
Narya - see Three Rings of the Elves
Near Harad - see Harad
Necklace of the Dwarves - see Nauglamir
Necromancer - see Sauron: Names & Titles
Neldoreth (forest) - see Doriath
Neldoreth (tree) - see Hirilorn
Nelyafinwe - see Maedhros
Nen Cenedril - see Mirrormere
Nen Girith - see Dimrost
Nenime - see Solmath
Nenuial - see Lake Evendim
Nenya - see Three Rings of the Elves
Nerwen - see Galadriel: Names & Titles
Netted Stars - see Remmirath
New Age - see Fourth Age
New Mill - see The Mill
New Row - see Bagshot Row
Nielluin - see Helluin
Nimloth (Elf)
Nimloth (tree)
Nimrodel (Elf)
Nimrodel (river)
Nina Lightfoot - see Nina Bolger
Nindalf - see Wetwang
The Nine - see Nazgul
Nine-fingered Frodo - see Frodo Baggins: Names & Titles
Nine Riders - see Nazgul
Nine Servants - see Nazgul
Nin-in-Eilph - see Swanfleet
Ninquelote - see Nimloth (tree)
Ninui - see Solmath
Nirnaeth Arnoediad - see Battle of Unnumbered Tears
Nivrim - see Doriath
Nolofinwe - see Fingolfin
Nom - see Finrod Felagund
Norbury - see Fornost
North Ithilien - see Ithilien
North Road (Gondor to Arnor) - see North-South Road
North Road (Ithilien to Harad) - see Harad Road
Northern Waste - see Forodwaith
Norui - see Forelithe
Nowe - see Cirdan
Nulukkhizdin - see Nargothrond
Number 3 Bagshot Row - see Bagshot Row
Nurnen, Sea of - see Lake Nurnen
Oathbreakers - see The Dead
Obel Halad - see Ephel Brandir
Oin (Dwarf of Thorin's Company)
Oin (King of Durin's Folk)
Old Ford - see Anduin
Old Gammidgy - see Hob Gammidge
Old Gondor - see Osgiliath
Old Mill - see The Mill
Old Pukel-land; Old Pukel-wilderness - see Druwaith Iaur
Old Road - see Great East Road
Old South Road - see North-South Road
Old Toby (Hobbit) - see Tobold Hornblower
Old Toby (pipe-weed) - see Pipe-weed
Old Took - see Gerontius Took
Old Winyards - see Wine
Old Words and Names in the Shire
Oldbuck, Gorhendad - see Gorhendad Brandybuck
Olog-hai - see Trolls
Olorin - see Gandalf: Names and Titles
Ondolinde - see Gondolin: Names & Etymology
Ondonore - see Gondor
Onodlo - see Entwash
Oraearon - see Mersday
Orald - see Tom Bombadil
Oranor - see Sunday
Orbelain - see Highday
Orgaladh - see Trewsday
Orgaladhad - see Trewsday
Orgilion - see Sterday
Orithil - see Monday
Ormenel - see Hevensday
Ornomi - see Huorns
Orocarni - see Red Mountains
Orodreth (Elf)
Orodreth (Steward of Gondor)
Orodruin - see Mount Doom
Otselen - see Valacirca
Otto the Fat - see Otto Boffin
Out-wall of Minas Tirith - see Rammas Echor
Overlithe - see Lithe
Palantir (Seeing-stone)
Palantir, Tar- (King of Numenor)
Pansy Baggins - see Pansy Bolger
Panthael - see Samwise Gamgee: Names & Titles
Parmaite - see Tar-Elendil
Party - see Farewell Party
Pass of Caradhras - see Redhorn Gate & Dimrill Stair
Pass of Imladris - see High Pass
Peony Baggins - see Peony Burrows
Peredhel; Peredhil - see Elrond: Names & Titles
Peregrin I - see Peregrin Took
Perhael - see Samwise Gamgee: Names & Titles
Phurunargian - see Khazad-dum / Moria
Pillar of Heaven; Pillar of the Heavens - see Meneltarma
Pillars of the Kings - see Argonath
Pimple - see Lotho Sackville-Baggins
Ponto Baggins (I)
Ponto Baggins (II)
Pool at Bywater - see Bywater Pool
Pool Side - see Bywater Pool Pools of Ivrin
Poppy Chubb-Baggins - see Poppy Bolger
Post-office - see Messenger Service
Postmaster - see Messenger Service
Power of the Black Land - see Sauron: Names & Titles
Precious - see The One Ring: Names; see also Gollum: Names & Titles
Primrose Boffin - see Primrose Bracegirdle
Primula Brandybuck - see Primula Baggins
Prince of the Halflings - see Peregrin Took: Names & Titles
Prisca Baggins - see Prisca Bolger
Proudneck Brandybuck - see Madoc Brandybuck
Quelle - see Seasons of the Year
Quick Post Service - see Messenger Service
Radhrim - see Doriath
Rainy Stair - see Dimrost
Ranugad Galbasi - see Hamfast "Gaffer" Gamgee: Names & Titles
Ras Morthil - see Andrast
Rathloriel - see Ascar
Razanur Tuk - see Peregrin Took: Names & Titles
Red Book of the Periannath - see Red Book of Westmarch
Red Eye - see Sauron: Names & Titles
Red Ring - see Three Rings of the Elves (Narya)
Redhorn Pass - see Redhorn Gate
Region - see Doriath
The Renewer - see Aragorn II: Names & Titles
Rhibdath; Rhimdath - see Rushdown
Rhiw - see Seasons of the Year
Rhovanion - see Wilderland
Rhudaur - see Arnor
Rian (mother of Tuor)
Rian (woman of Gondor)
The Riddermark - see Rohan
The Ring-bearer - see Frodo Baggins: Names & Titles
The Ring-maker - see Sauron: Names & Titles
Ring of Adamant - see Three Rings of the Elves (Nenya)
Ring of Air - see Three Rings of the Elves (Vilya)
Ring of Doom - see the One Ring
Ring of Fire - see Three Rings of the Elves (Narya)
Ring of Isengard - see Isengard & Orthanc
Ring of Sapphire - see Three Rings of the Elves (Vilya)
Ring of Thror - see Seven Rings of the Dwarves
Ring of Water - see Three Rings of the Elves (Nenya)
Ringare - see Foreyule
Rings of Power: see The One Ring; Nine Rings of Men; Seven Rings of the Dwarves; Three Rings of the Elves
River-daughter - see Goldberry
River of Rivendell - see Bruinen
Rochan; Rochand - see Rohan
Rodreth - see Orodreth (Elf)
Rodyn - see Highday
Rohirrim - see Rohan for the history of the people; see Rohirrim for biographies of individuals
Romestamo - see Alatar & Pallando: The Blue Wizards
Roots of the Pillar - see Meneltarma
Rope, Elven - see Hithlain
Roper Gamgee - see Hobson Gamgee
Rosa Baggins - see Rosa Took
Rosamunda Took - see Rosamunda Bolger
Rose Cotton - see Rose Cotton Gamgee
Rose Cotton Gamgee (wife of Sam)
Rose Cotton Gardner (wife of Sam)
Rose Gamgee (daughter of Sam)
Rose Gardner (daughter of Sam)
Ruby Bolger - see Ruby Baggins
The Ruling Ring - see The One Ring
Rushy - see Rushey
Russandol - see Maedhros
Sackville, Camellia - see Camellia Baggins
Saelind - see Andreth
Salvia Brandybuck - see Salvia Bolger
Sam Gardner - see Samwise Gamgee: Names & Titles
Sandyman's Mill - see The Mill
Sapphira Brockhouse - see Sapphira Boffin
Sarn Athrad - see Brandywine River
Sarn Ford - see Brandywine River
Sarn Gebir - see Anduin
Scattergold Brandybuck - see Saradoc Brandybuck
Sea of Nurnen - see Lake Nurnen
Seat of Amon Hen - see Seat of Seeing
Second Battle (War of the Jewels) - see Battle-under-Stars
Second Battle of the Fords of Isen
Second Marshal of the Mark - see Marshals of the Mark
Seeing-stones - see Palantiri
Sennas Iaur - see Old Guesthouse
Seven Stars (constellation) - see Valacirca
Seven Stones - see Palantiri
The Shadow - see Sauron: Names & Titles
Shadow Host; Shadow-men - see The Dead
Shadow of the East - see Khamul
Shadowy Mountains - see Mountains of Shadow
Sharkey - see Saruman: Names & Titles
Sharkey's End - see Bagshot Row
Shathur - see Cloudyhead
Shire-water - see The Water
Shuddering Water - see Dimrost
Sickle of the Valar - see Valacirca
Siege of Barad-dur (War of the Last Alliance)
Siege of Gondor - see Battle of the Pelennor Fields
Silver Crown - see Winged Crown of Gondor
Silver-foot - see Idril Celebrindal
Silver-steel - see Mithril
Sir Angren - see Isen
Sir Ninglor - see Gladden River
Siriondil (King of Gondor)
Siriondil (father of Earnil II)
Sleepless Dead - see The Dead
Slinker - see Smeagol/Gollum: Names & Titles
Smials (type of dwelling)
The Smials - see Great Smials
Snaga (Isengard Uruk)
Snaga (Mordor Orc)
Snawmana - see Snowmane
Snowmen - see Forodwaith
Somath - see Solmath
Sorontar - see Thorondor
South Ithilien - see Ithilien
South Road (Gondor)
Southern Star - see Pipe-weed
Southlinch - see Pipe-weed
Southrons - see Harad
Southward Road - see Harad Road
Spiders - see Great Spiders
Star-glass - see Phial of Galadriel
Star of Elendil - see Elendilmir
Star of Hope; Star of High Hope - see Earendil (Star)
Star of the North - see Elendilmir
Star of the North Kingdom - see Elendilmir
Starmoon - see Mithril (Ithildin)
Starwards - see Numenor
Steelsheen - see Morwen
Sterrendei - see Sterday
Steward's Door - see Fen Hollen
Stick-at-naught Strider - see Aragorn II: Names & Titles
Stinker - see Smeagol/Gollum: Names & Titles
Stirring - see Seasons of the Year
Stone-city - see Minas Anor / Minas Tirith
Stone of Earendil - see Elessar
Stoningland - see Gondor
Straight Stair - see Stairs of Cirith Ungol
Street of Tombs - see Rath Dinen, the Silent Street
Strider (Man) - see Aragorn II: Names & Titles
Sulime - see Rethe
Summerdays - see Lithe
Sun-star - see Elanor (flower)
Sun-waning - see Seasons of the Year
Sunlands - see Harad
Sunlending - see Anorien
Sunnendei - see Sunday
Suthburg - see Helm's Deep
Sutherland - see Harad
Suza - see The Shire
Sweet galenas - see Pipe-weed
Swertings - see Harad
Sword that was Broken - see Anduril / Narsil
Sword of Elendil - see Anduril / Narsil
Swords - see Weapons & Battle Gear
Swordsman of the Sky - see Menelvagor
Swords of Westernesse - see Merry's Sword; Sam's Sword; "Troll's Bane" (Pippin's Sword)
Talan - see Flets
Tanta Hornblower - see Tanta Baggins
Tar-Anducal - see Herucalmo
Tar-Calion - see Ar-Pharazon
Tar-Elestirne - see Erendis
Tar-Falassion - see Ar-Sakalthor
Tar-Herunumen - see Ar-Adunakhor
Tar-Hostamir - see Ar-Zimrathon
Tar-Telemnar - see Ar-Gimilzor
Tarion - see Highday
Tarmasundar - see Meneltarma
Tarondor (King of Arnor)
Tarondor (King of Gondor)
Tarostar - see Romendacil I
Tasarinan - see Nan-tathren
Taur-e-Ndaedelos - see Mirkwood
Taur-na-Neldor - see Doriath
Taur-nu-Fuin - see Mirkwood
Tauremorna - see Fangorn Forest
Tauremornalome - see Fangorn Forest
Tawar-in-Druedain - see Druadan Forest
Teeth of Mordor - see Towers of the Teeth
Telain - see Flets
Telcontar - see Aragorn II: Names & Titles
Telemnar (King of Gondor)
Telemnar, Tar- (King of Numenor) - see Ar-Gimilzor
Teleporno - see Celeborn
Telumehtar (constellation) - see Menelvagor
Telumehtar Umbardacil (King of Gondor)
Terrible Battle - see War of Wrath
Tharkun - see Gandalf: Names and Titles
Thengling - see Theoden: Names & Titles
There and Back Again - see Red Book of Westmarch
Third Battle - see Glorious Battle
Third Marshal of the Mark - see Marshals of the Mark; Eomer: Names & Titles
Third Ring - see Three Rings of the Elves (Narya)
Thorin II - see Thorin Oakenshield
Thorin III - see Thorin Stonehelm
Thorongil - see Aragorn II: Names & Titles
Thousand Caves - see Menegroth
Thrimich - see Thrimidge
Thrimilch - see Thrimidge
Tirith Aear - see Sea-ward Tower
Tolman Cotton (elder)
Tolman Cotton (younger)
Tom (Troll) - see Trolls
Tom Cotton (elder)
Tom Cotton (younger)
The Took - see Thain
Took, Belladonna - see Belladonna Baggins
Took, Donnamira - see Donnamira Boffin
Took, Esmeralda - see Esmeralda Brandybuck
Took, Gerontius (The Old Took)
Took, Mirabella - see Mirabella Brandybuck
Took, Old - see Gerontius Took
Took, Rosamunda - see Rosamunda Bolger
Torech Ungol - see Shelob's Lair
Tower Hills (Emyn Beraid)
Tower of Black Sorcery - see Minas Ithil / Minas Morgul
Tower of Denethor - see Tower of Ecthelion
Tower of Guard - see Minas Anor / Minas Tirith
Tower of Sorcery - see Minas Ithil / Minas Morgul
Tower of the Dome of Osgiliath - see Dome of Stars
Tower of the Moon - see Minas Ithil / Minas Morgul
Tower of the Rising Moon - see Minas Ithil / Minas Morgul
Tower of the Setting Sun - see Minas Anor / Minas Tirith
Tower of the Stone of Osgiliath - see Dome of Stars
Tower of the Sun - see Minas Anor / Minas Tirith
Towers of the Black Gate - see Towers of the Teeth
Tragu - see Smaug
Trahald - see Smeagol / Gollum
Tran - see Smials
Tree of the Court of the Fountain - see White Tree of Gondor
Treegarth of Orthanc - see Isengard & Orthanc
Trewesdei - see Trewsday
Troll-fells - see Ettenmoors
"Troll's bane" (Pippin's sword)
Trotter - see Aragorn II: Names & Titles
True-silver - see Mithril
Tuc, Razanur - see Peregrin Took: Names & Titles
Tuile - see Seasons of the Year
Tumladen (Gondolin)
Tumladen (Gondor)
Tumunzahar - see Nogrod
Tur Haretha - see Ladybarrow
Turambar (King of Gondor)
Turgon (Steward of Gondor)
Turin I (Steward of Gondor)
Turin II (Steward of Gondor)
Twilight Meres; Twilit Meres - see Meres of Twilight
Tyrn Gorthad - see Barrow-downs
Udalraph - see Borondir
Uilos - see Simbelmyne
Uineniel - see Erendis
Ulari - see Nazgul
Underhill, Mr. - see Frodo Baggins: Names & Titles
Undomiel - see Arwen
Urime - see Wedmath
Urui - see Wedmath
Urwen - see Lalaith
Uvanwaith - see Noman-lands
Valandil (King of Arnor)
Valandil (Lord of Andunie)
Valanya - see Highday
Valarauko; Valaraukar - see Balrogs
Vales of the Anduin - see Anduin
Valley of Living Death - see Morgul Vale
Valley of the Tombs - see Noirinan
Valley of the Wraiths - see Morgul Vale
Variags - see Khand
Vilya - see Three Rings of the Elves
Vinitharya - see Eldacar
Vinyalonde - see Lond Daer
Vinyarion - see Hyarmendacil II
Viresse - see Astron
Voronda - see Elendil: Names & Titles
Voronwe (Elf)
Voronwe, Mardil (Steward of Gondor)
The Wain (constellation) - see Valacirca
Wainriders - see Rhun & the Easterlings
Wandlimb - see Fimbrethil
War of the Dwarves and the Orcs
Warden of the Great Gate - see Ecthelion of the Fountain
The Watch - see Shirriffs
Watch-stones - see Pukel-men
Watch-towers of the Morannon - see Towers of the Teeth
Waymoot - see Waymeet
Weathertop & the Weather Hills
West-door; West-gate of Moria - see Doors of Durin
Western Mountains - see Blue Mountains
Westernesse - see Numenor
Westmansweed - see Pipe-weed
Whispering Wood - see Firien Wood
White Crown - see Winged Crown of Gondor
White Lady of Emerie - see Erendis
White Lady of Gondolin - see Aredhel
White Lady of Rohan - see Eowyn: Names and Titles
White Lady of the Noldor - see Aredhel
White Messenger - see Saruman: Names & Titles
White Rider - see Gandalf: Names and Titles
White Ring - see Three Rings of the Elves (Nenya)
White Tower (Minas Tirith) - see Tower of Ecthelion
White Towers (Tower Hills) - see Elostirion
White Tree of Numenor - see Nimloth (tree)
Wights - see Barrow-wights
William Huggins - see Trolls
Willow-man - see Old Man Willow
Winding Stair - see Stairs of Cirith Ungol
Window-curtain - see Henneth Annun
Window of the Sunset - see Henneth Annun
Window on the West - see Henneth Annun
Winged Messenger - see Fell Beasts; Nazgul
Winged Nazgul - see Fell Beasts; Nazgul
Winged Steeds - see Fell Beasts
Wingfoot - see Aragorn II: Names & Titles
Winter - see Fell Winter (First Age); Fell Winter (Third Age); Long Winter
Wintring - see Winterfilth
Witchwife - see Morwen
Withered Tree - see White Tree of Gondor
Wolf (dog)
Wolf-Sauron - see Sauron: Names & Titles
Wood of Anwar - see Firien Wood
Wood of Green Leaves - see Mirkwood
Woodland Realm - see Mirkwood
Worm of Morgoth - see Glaurung
Wormtongue - see Grima Wormtongue
Wraith-king- see Lord of the Nazgul: Names & Titles
Wraith-lord- see Lord of the Nazgul: Names & Titles
Wraith-road - see Morgul-road
Wraiths - see Nazgul
Yavannie - see Halimath
Yavannildi - see Lembas
Yavie - see Seasons of the Year
Yellowskin - see Yearbook of Tuckborough
Yozayan - see Numenor
Yuledays - see Yule
Yulemath - see Foreyule
Yuletide - see Yule
Zimrahin - see Meldis
Zimraphel, Ar- - see Miriel
Zirakzigil - see Silvertine
All entries are Copyright © by the Thain from former tuckborough.net. Please contact me if you are Thain or know anything about how to contact the original author.
2003-2011, The Thain's Book - thainsbook.minastirith.cz
- e-mail: thain at tuckborough.net