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Vital Statistics:Race: Hobbits
![]() Elijah Wood as Frodo in the New Line Cinema Film |
![]() Painting of Frodo by Alan Lee |
Frodo Baggins, a Hobbit of the Shire, became one of the most legendary figures in the history of Middle-earth when he undertook the quest to destroy Sauron's Ring of Power in order to bring about the Dark Lord's downfall. Frodo bore the One Ring deep into Mordor despite great hardship and personal sacrifice, proving himself to be a hero of equal stature to the greatest warrior.
Frodo was born on September 22, 2968 of the Third Age, to Drogo Baggins and Primula Brandybuck Baggins. He spent much of his youth at Brandy Hall in Buckland, the home of his mother's people. He was considered something of a rascal, particularly by Farmer Maggot from whom Frodo stole mushrooms. In 2980, when Frodo was still a child, his parents took a boat out onto the Brandywine River and were drowned. Frodo had no siblings, so he was left alone in the crowded tunnels of Brandy Hall until his cousin Bilbo Baggins adopted him and made Frodo his heir.
Bilbo and Frodo had a comfortable life at Bag End, a spacious Hobbit hole under the Hill in Hobbiton in the Westfarthing. Bilbo had once gone on an adventure and had returned with wealth and knowledge of the world outside the Shire. Frodo learned much from him about the peoples, legends, and languages of Middle-earth. Gandalf the Grey was a frequent visitor at Bag End, as were a number of Dwarves, and it was believed that Frodo would sometimes meet Elves in the woods of the Shire. For these reasons, Frodo was considered quite unusual for a Hobbit.
Bilbo and Frodo shared a birthday - September 22 - and they enjoyed throwing grand parties to celebrate. In 3001, when Bilbo turned 111 and Frodo came of age at 33, they gave a party of special magnificence. At this party, Bilbo announced his intention to leave the Shire and vanished (with the help of his magic ring) much to the consternation of his guests. Frodo inherited Bag End and most of Bilbo's possessions, including the magic ring.
As the years passed, Frodo seemed to stop aging and appeared at age 50 like a robust Hobbit just out of his tweens. Frodo was red-cheeked and rather stout, but taller and fairer than most Hobbits, with brown hair, bright eyes, and a cleft in his chin.
Frodo soon began to grow restless with his quiet life in Shire. On April 12, 3018, Gandalf arrived and told Frodo that the magic ring Bilbo had found in Gollum's cave was in fact the One Ring of the Dark Lord Sauron, who needed the Ring's power to take over Middle-earth. Frodo was shocked and dismayed by this news, but he realized that in order to save the Shire he loved, he needed to take the Ring far away.
"I should like to save the Shire, if I could - though there have been times when I thought the inhabitants too stupid and dull for words, and have felt that an earthquake or an invasion of dragons might be good for them. But I don't feel like that now. I feel that as long as the Shire lies behind, safe and comfortable, I shall find wandering more bearable: I shall know that somewhere there is a firm foothold, even if my feet cannot stand there again."Frodo intended to travel to Rivendell accompanied by his gardener Sam Gamgee. He sold Bag End to Lobelia Sackville-Baggins on the pretense that his money was running out and he was moving to a smaller residence at Crickhollow in Buckland. Frodo set out on his journey on September 23, the day after his fiftieth birthday.
The Fellowship of the Ring: "The Shadow of the Past," p. 71
In the Woody End, the Hobbits hid from a Black Rider. It was Khamul, one of the Nazgul, who was seeking the Ring. Frodo felt a desire to put on the Ring, but he did not do so. On the second occasion, Khamul was disturbed the the appearance of a party of Elves passing through the Shire, singing as they went. Gildor Inglorion, the leader of the Elves, invited the Hobbits to spend the night in their company. Gildor praised Frodo on his knowledge of Elvish and named him Elf-friend. He advised Frodo to flee from the Black Riders and to continue on his journey with friends that he could trust.
In the Marish, Frodo met Farmer Maggot for the first time in many years. Frodo was relieved to discover that the farmer and his dogs bore him no ill will, but he was troubled to learn that a Black Rider had stopped at Maggot's farm looking for him.
At Crickhollow, Frodo's friends Merry Brandybuck and Pippin Took surprised him with their knowledge of his quest and their intention to come with him. Frodo was reluctant to lead his young friends into danger, but he recalled Gildor's advice and accepted their offer. The Hobbits set out at dawn the next day.
On the east side of the Old Forest, the Hobbits encountered Tom Bombadil. Tom was able to see Frodo when Frodo put on the Ring, and the Ring seemed to have no power over Tom. The Hobbits continued through the Barrow-downs and became disoriented in the fog. Frodo found himself inside a barrow, with his friends lying cold and unconscious on the ground. He was able to resist the temptation to put on the Ring and struck out at the Barrow-wight as it reached out for his friends. Frodo called for Tom Bombadil, who came to their rescue.
The four Hobbits continued on to the Prancing Pony in Bree. In the inn's Common Room Frodo was approached by a Ranger called Strider, who warned him that Pippin's careless tales about Bilbo's Farewell Party could lead to trouble. Frodo tried to distract the crowd by jumping onto a table and singing, but he fell and the Ring slipped onto his finger causing him to disappear. The people in the Common Room were astounded, and one Man named Bill Ferny gave Frodo a knowing look before leaving the inn with a squint-eyed Southerner. Frodo and his friends retreated to their parlour.
There they found that Strider had followed them. The Ranger offered Frodo his protection and guidance, and then the innkeeper Barliman Butterbur produced a letter from Gandalf which he had forgotten to send to Frodo three months earlier. The letter revealed that Strider was a friend of Gandalf and that his real name was Aragorn. Frodo accepted Strider's help, saying:
"I believed that you were a friend before the letter came, or at least I wished to. You have frightened me several times tonight, but never in the way that servants of the Enemy would, or so I imagine. I think one of his spies would - well, seem fairer and feel fouler, if you understand."The inn was attacked during the night, but the Hobbits remained unharmed hidden by Strider. Strider led the Hobbits into the Wild to Weathertop, where they were attacked by five Nazgul on October 6. In their presence, Frodo succumbed to the overwhelming temptation to put on the Ring, but he resisted their attempt to take him by drawing his sword and invoking the name of Elbereth Gilthoniel, one of the Valar. The Witch-king, Lord of the Nazgul, stabbed Frodo in the shoulder, but Frodo's defiance and the appearance of Strider armed with flaming brands drove the Nazgul away.
The Fellowship of the Ring: "Strider," p. 183
Frodo's wound appeared small, but the tip of the Witch-king's Morgul-knife remained in his body working its way toward his heart. Frodo became gravely ill as the Nazgul continued to pursue them. They were met by the Elf-lord Glorfindel, who set Frodo upon his horse Asfaloth. As the Nazgul drew near, Asfaloth carried Frodo toward the Ford of Bruinen and the safety of Rivendell beyond. Once across the Ford, Frodo turned and saw the Nine Nazgul on the other side. They commanded him to give up the Ring, but Frodo refused, saying, "By Elbereth and Luthien the Fair, you shall have neither the Ring nor me!" (FotR, p. 226-7) The Nazgul were then swept away by a flood created by Elrond and Gandalf.
Frodo awoke in Rivendell on October 24 and was surprised to find Gandalf at his bedside. Frodo had been healed by Lord Elrond, though the wound continued to trouble him for as long as he remained in Middle-earth. He was reunited with Sam and Merry and Pippin and was overjoyed to learn that Bilbo was now living at Rivendell.
On October 25, Frodo was summoned to a Council called by Elrond to determine what should be done with the Ring. Frodo hoped his task was complete, but he realized that this was not to be, and he volunteered to take the Ring to Mordor to destroy it.
A great dread fell on him, as if he was awaiting the pronouncement of some doom that he had long foreseen and vainly hoped might after all never be spoken. An overwhelming longing to rest and remain at peace by Bilbo's side in Rivendell filled all his heart. At last with an effort he spoke, and wondered to hear his own words, as if some other will was using his small voice.Eight companions were chosen to accompany Frodo: Sam, Merry, Pippin, Gandalf, Aragorn, Legolas the Elf, Gimli the Dwarf, and Boromir of Gondor. Bilbo gave Frodo his sword Sting and his coat of mithril mail and on December 25, the Fellowship of the Ring left Rivendell and headed south.
"I will take the Ring," he said, "though I do not know the way."
The Fellowship of the Ring: "The Council of Elrond," p. 284
Unable to cross the Misty Mountains over the Redhorn Gate because of a snowstorm, the Fellowship went through the Mines of Moria. They were attacked by Orcs in the Chamber of Mazarbul. Frodo struck the first blow, stabbing a Cave-troll in the foot. He was skewered by a spear, but was saved by Bilbo's mithril shirt. The Fellowship continued on to the Bridge of Khazad-dum. There, Frodo's friend and mentor Gandalf fell into shadow while confronting a Balrog.
The bereaved Fellowship continued to Lothlorien, home of the Lady Galadriel. Galadriel tested Frodo's resolve by offering him a look into her Mirror. In his vision, Frodo saw an old man who resembled Gandalf but was clad in white; Bilbo pacing in his room at Rivendell; the Sea; a white seven-tiered city and a ship with black sails and a banner bearing the emblem of the White Tree of Gondor; a grey ship sailing off into the mists; and finally, Frodo saw the Eye of Sauron searching for him.
Galadriel revealed that she was the bearer of the Elven-ring Nenya and that should the One Ring be destroyed, the Three Rings of the Elves might lose their power. Frodo offered the One Ring to Galadriel, but she resisted the temptation and commended Frodo for responding to her test by testing her own resolve. Galadriel's gift to Frodo on his departure was a Phial filled with the light of the Star of Earendil.
The Fellowship traveled south to Amon Hen. There Boromir tried to convince Frodo to bring the Ring to Gondor. When Frodo refused, Boromir tried to take it from him by force. Frodo put on the Ring and escaped to the Seat of Seeing, where he saw war brewing everywhere and the Eye of Sauron searching for him.
He heard himself crying out: Never, never! Or was it: Verily I come, I come to you? He could not tell. Then as a flash from some other point of power there came to his mind another thought: Take it off! Take it off! Fool, take it off! Take off the Ring!At this moment, Frodo resolved to go to Mordor alone without telling his companions. But he did not find it so easy to leave Sam behind; his faithful servant caught up with him and insisted on coming with him.The two powers strove in him. For a moment, perfectly balanced between their piercing points, he writhed, tormented. Suddenly he was aware of himself again. Frodo, neither the Voice nor the Eye: free to choose, and with one remaining instant in which to do so. He took the Ring off his finger.
The Fellowship of the Ring: "The Breaking of the Fellowship," p. 417
Across the Anduin in the Emyn Muil, Frodo encountered Gollum, who had followed him from Moria. When he saw the miserable creature, Frodo felt pity at what the Ring had done to him, and he recognized in Gollum what he himself might yet become. And so, although Frodo had once told Gandalf that he wished Bilbo had killed Gollum, Frodo spared his life. This act of mercy, more than any other single act after Frodo's acceptance of the burden of the Ring, allowed the quest to succeed.
Gollum swore to serve the Master of the Precious. Frodo warned Gollum that such a promise would bind him. He appeared stern and lordly as Gollum grovelled at his feet, yet the Ring formed a connection between them.
Gollum guided Frodo and Sam through the Dead Marshes. Frodo was entranced by the dead faces in the mere and had to be urged away by Sam. As they drew nearer to Mordor, Frodo began to feel the weight of the Ring increase. Worse still was the sense that the Eye was ever-present, seeking a way through his frail defenses.
The Hobbits reached the Black Gate and saw that it was guarded and impassable, but Frodo was determined.
His face was grim and set, but resolute. He was filthy, haggard, and pinched with weariness, but he cowered no longer, and his eyes were clear. "I said so, because I purpose to enter Mordor, and I know no other way. Therefore I shall go this way. I do not ask anyone to go with me."Gollum begged Frodo not to go and then said that he knew a secret way into Mordor. After much thought, Frodo accepted Gollum's guidance. Frodo recognized that the creature's fate was tied to the Ring and to his quest. But he warned Gollum that the Ring was treacherous and would try to twist his promise and could betray him in the end. Frodo said that if necessary he would put on the Ring and Gollum would be unable to resist any command he gave.
The Two Towers: "The Black Gate Is Closed," p. 245
Gollum led them south throuth Ithilien, where the Hobbits met Faramir, brother of Boromir. Faramir learned that Frodo bore the One Ring but vowed that he would not take the Ring from him and instead promised to help Frodo on his way. Gollum was found lurking by the Forbidden Pool and Frodo begged Faramir to spare Gollum's life, but Gollum thought that Frodo had betrayed him by allowing him to be captured.
The Hobbits parted company with Faramir and continued toward Mordor with Gollum as their guide. As they passed Minas Morgul, Frodo saw the Witch-king leading a great army. Frodo felt as if some outside force was compelling him to put on the Ring, but he resisted, and instead he reached for the Phial of Galadriel.
Gollum led the Hobbits to his secret passage, which turned out to be the lair of the Great Spider Shelob. Frodo used the Phial of Galadriel and Sting to evade Shelob but she pursued him and stung him in the neck, paralyzing him with her poison. Believing Frodo to be dead, Sam chose to continue the quest alone.
Frodo was taken by the Orcs Gorbag and Shagrat to the Tower of Cirith Ungol, where he was stripped and tortured. Sam came to his rescue, but Frodo despaired, thinking that the Ring had been taken and all was lost. When Sam revealed that he had the Ring in his safekeeping, Frodo lashed out at Sam and snatched the Ring from him. Frodo immediately regretted his actions toward his friend, realizing that the Ring's hold on him was getting ever stronger.
As Frodo and Sam crossed the plain of Gorgoroth heading for Mount Doom, Frodo could feel the weight of the Ring dragging on him and his mind became wholly consumed by his burden.
"No taste of food, no feel of water, no sound of wind, no memory of tree or grass or flower, no image of moon or star are left to me. I am naked in the dark, Sam, and there is no veil between me and the wheel of fire. I begin to see it even with my waking eyes, and all else fades."At last, when Frodo could no longer walk, Sam carried him up the slopes of Mount Doom. Gollum attacked them suddenly, but Frodo fought back with surprising fury to prevent the Ring from being taken from him, and he cast Gollum down.
The Return of the King: "Mount Doom," p. 215
Frodo continued up the mountain to Sammath Naur, wherein lay the Cracks of Doom. There, at the end of his quest, after resisting the will of the Ring for so long through terrible hardships, Frodo was unable to resist any longer. He claimed the Ring as his own and refused to destroy it. Then Gollum, whose life Frodo had spared out of pity, attacked Frodo and bit off the finger that bore the Ring. Gollum fell into the fiery chasm and the Ring was destroyed.
Frodo and Sam were rescued from the destruction of Mordor by Gandalf and the Eagles and their wounds were tended to by Aragorn. They were honored as heroes by the Host of the West. At Aragorn's coronation, Frodo carried the Crown of Gondor. Queen Arwen gave Frodo a white jewel to bring him comfort when his wounds and memories troubled him, and she told him that if he could bear it no longer he could take her place on the ship bearing the Elves away from Middle-earth.
The Hobbits returned home and discovered that the Shire had been taken over by rough Men apparently at the command of their Chief, Lotho Sackville-Baggins. While his three companions rallied their fellow Hobbits to drive out the invaders, Frodo's primary concern was to prevent the killing of any Hobbits. At the Battle of Bywater, Frodo did not draw his sword, and he made sure that those who surrendered were not killed.
At Bag End, Frodo found that Saruman was the real Chief. Frodo had hoped to save Lotho, for he realized that Lotho had been tricked by Saruman's agents, but Lotho was dead. Frodo declared that Saruman's life should be spared, even after the Wizard tried to stab him. Saruman said that Frodo had grown, calling him wise and cruel to leave him indebted to his mercy. As Saruman left Bag End, he was slain by his lackey Grima.
Frodo agreed to be Deputy Mayor while Will Whitfoot recovered from his imprisonment in the Lockholes. His only act was to return the Shirriffs to their previous number and functions. Frodo's main occupation during this time seems to have been adding his account of the War of the Ring to the Red Book begun by Bilbo.
While his three companions were able to return to their former lives and were hailed as heroes, Frodo could not find peace in the Shire or acceptance by his fellow Hobbits. Physically, he had changed. He was no longer the stout, red-cheeked Hobbit who had set out from the Shire the year before. Both Gandalf and Sam had perceived a clear light shining faintly within Frodo, and to Sam Frodo's face had become "old and beautiful, as if the chiselling of the shaping years was now revealed in many fine lines that had before been hidden, though the identity of the face was not changed." (TTT, p. 260)
Frodo became ill on the anniversaries of his encounters with the Witch-king and Shelob. He was, as he put it, "wounded with knife, sting, and tooth, and a long burden." (RotK, p. 268) A worse burden was the guilt Frodo felt for not being able to destroy the Ring and the desire he still felt for the Ring. "It is gone for ever, and now all is dark and empty," he said during one of his periods of illness. (RotK, p. 304)
At last, Frodo decided that the only way he could find healing was to leave Middle-earth forever.
"But," said Sam, and tears started in his eyes, "I thought you were going to enjoy the Shire, too. for years and years, after all you have done."On September 29, 3021, Frodo came to the Grey Havens accompanied by Sam. Merry and Pippin were there to meet them. Frodo said goodbye to his three friends and boarded a ship with Bilbo and the bearers of the Three Elven-rings: Gandalf, Galadriel and Elrond. The ship set sail to the Undying Lands.
"So I thought too, once. But I have been too deeply hurt, Sam. I tried to save the Shire, and it has been saved, but not for me. It must often be so, Sam, when things are in danger: some one has to give them up, lose them, so that others may keep them."
The Return of the King: "The Grey Havens," p. 209
The Undying Lands were across the Sea to the west of Middle-earth. The spirits called the Valar dwelled there as did many Elves. Mortals were not normally allowed to go to the Undying Lands, but because of the great burden they had borne, Frodo and Bilbo were given special permission. Galadriel had made a special prayer to the Valar that Frodo be allowed to pass into the West, and Arwen also asked Gandalf, as an emissary of the Valar, to intercede on Frodo's behalf.
Although Frodo's ultimate fate is not recorded, it is believed that he lived out the rest of his days on Tol Eressea - an island off the coast of the main continent of Aman in the Undying Lands. There Frodo may have finally found the peace and healing he sought. Frodo was mortal and he remained so. He eventually died, though the year of his death is not recorded.
Frodo was sent or allowed to pass over the Sea to heal him - if that could be done, before he died. He would have eventually to 'pass away': no mortal could, or can, abide for ever on earth, or within Time. So he went both to a purgatory and to a reward, for a while: a period of reflection and peace and a gaining of a truer understanding of his position in littleness and in greatness, spent still in Time amid the natural beauty of 'Arda Unmarred', the Earth unspoiled by evil.Sam Gamgee, the last of the Ring-bearers, was allowed to sail to the Undying Lands in the year 61 of the Fourth Age, and it is hoped that these two great friends were reunited one last time.
The Letters of J.R.R. Tolkien: Letter #246As for Frodo or other mortals, they could only dwell in Aman for a limited time - whether brief or long. The Valar had neither the power nor the right to confer 'immortality' upon them. Their sojourn was a 'purgatory', but one of peace and healing and they would eventually pass away (die at their own desire and of free will) to destinations of which the Elves knew nothing.
The Letters of J.R.R. Tolkien: Letter #325
Third Age:
September 22: Birth of Frodo.
Death of Frodo's parents.
Frodo is adopted by Bilbo and moves
to Bag End around this time.
September 22: Frodo comes
of age and inherits Bag End from Bilbo.
Gandalf visits Frodo in the Shire
several times over the next four years.
Gandalf visits Frodo for the last
time for many years.
April 12: Gandalf arrives
at Bag End.
April 13: Frodo learns he
has the One Ring and decides to leave the Shire.
September 22: Frodo turns
September 23: Frodo leaves
Bag End.
September 24: Frodo is nearly
caught twice by one of the Nazgul and meets Gildor in the Woody End.
September 25: Frodo learns
of his friends' intention to accompany him.
September 26: Frodo and his
companions travel through the Old Forest and come to the House of Tom Bombadil.
September 28: The Hobbits
are trapped by a Barrow-wight. Frodo resists putting on the Ring.
September 29: Frodo meets
Aragorn in Bree.
October 6: Frodo is wounded
by the Witch-king at Weathertop.
October 20: Frodo crosses
the Ford of Bruinen pursued by the Nazgul.
October 23: Elrond removes
the sliver of the Morgul-blade from Frodo's body.
October 24: Frodo wakes in
October 25: At the Council
of Elrond, Frodo volunteers to take the Ring to Mordor.
December 25: Frodo and the Fellowship leave Rivendell.
January 13: The Fellowship
enters Moria.
January 15: Gandalf battles
the Balrog and falls into shadow. The Fellowship enters Lothlorien.
January 17: Frodo meets Galadriel.
February 14: Frodo looks into
the Mirror of Galadriel.
February 16: Frodo and the
Fellowship leave Lorien.
February 26: At Amon Hen,
Boromir tries to take the Ring. Frodo decides to go to Mordor alone but
is followed by Sam.
February 29: Frodo meets
Gollum and spares his life.
March 1-2: Gollum leads the
Hobbits through the Dead Marshes.
March 5: The Hobbits reach
the Black Gate and realize it's impassable. Frodo agrees to follow Gollum
to a secret way into Mordor.
March 7: Frodo meets Faramir,
brother of Boromir.
March 8: Frodo asks Faramir
to spare Gollum's life at the Forbidden Pool. The Hobbits part company
with Faramir in the morning.
March 9: The Hobbits reach
the Morgul-road at dusk.
March 10: The Hobbits reach
the Cross-roads and continue to the Morgul
Vale. Frodo sees the Witch-king leading an army from Minas Morgul and
resists putting on the Ring.
March 12: Gollum leads Frodo
and Sam into Shelob's Lair.
March 13: Frodo is wounded
by Shelob and is taken prisoner by Orcs to the Tower of Cirith Ungol.
March 14: Sam finds Frodo
in the Tower of Cirith Ungol.
March 15: Frodo and Sam escape
from the Tower.
March 16: Frodo and Sam look
toward Mount Doom from the Morgai.
March 18: Frodo and Sam are
forced to join a company of Orcs marching toward Udun.
March 19: Frodo and Sam escape
from the Orcs and continue on.
March 22: Frodo and Sam leave
the road and turn south toward Mount Doom.
March 23: The Hobbits cast
away their gear.
March 24: The Hobbits reach
the foot of Mount Doom.
March 25: Frodo reaches the
Cracks of Doom and claims the Ring for himself. Gollum bites off Frodo's
finger and falls into the fiery chasm. The Ring is destroyed.
April 6: Frodo and Sam are honored at the Field of Cormallen.
May 1: Frodo carries the crown at Aragorn's coronation.
July 15: Arwen tells Frodo that he may pass into the West in her stead.
October 6: Frodo feels pain
in his shoulder on the anniversary of his confrontation with the Witch-king.
October 30: The Hobbits arrive
at the Brandywine Bridge.
November 3: The Battle of
Bywater. Frodo says that Saruman's life should be spared, but the Wizard
is killed by Grima.
November 4: Frodo agrees
to be Deputy Mayor.
March 13: Frodo is ill on
the anniversary of his encounter with Shelob.
May 1: Sam marries Rosie Cotton and moves into Bag End.
Mid-year's day: Frodo resigns as Deputy Mayor.
October 6: Frodo is ill again.
March 13: Frodo is ill again.
September 21: Frodo and Sam
set out for the Grey Havens.
September 22: Frodo meets
Galadriel and Elrond in the Woody End.
September 29: Frodo sails
into the West to the Undying Lands.
Frodo Baggins:
In Old English, fród
means "wise by experience." (Letters, #168)
For the name Baggins, Tolkien
intended to recall the word "bag." The associated name Bag End was meant
to imply "cul-de-sac." This was the local name of Tolkien's aunt's farm
in Worcestershire, which was located at the end of a lane that led no further.
of The Lord of the Rings," entries for Baggins and Bag
Baggins may also be a reference
to bagging, a term used in northern England for eating between meals.
Hobbit, ch. 1, note 3)
The Ring-bearer:
This title refers to Frodo's acceptance
of the burden of the One Ring and the task of destroying it.
"Do you still hold to your word, Frodo, that you will be the Ring-bearer?"
"I do," said Frodo. "I will go with Sam."
The Fellowship of the Ring: "The Ring Goes South," p. 288
This name was given to Frodo by
Gildor Inglorion, as an acknowledgment of Frodo's ability to speak Elvish,
as well as the need for Elves and other powers for good to aid Frodo on
his journey.
"I name you Elf-friend; and may the stars shine upon the end of your road!"
The Fellowship of the Ring: "Three Is Company," p. 94
Frodo assumed this alias on leaving
the Shire. It is a reference to his home at Bag End, under The Hill. However,
the only time he used it was at the Prancing Pony in Bree.
"... you will have to go, and leave the name of Baggins behind you. That name will not be safe to have, outside the Shire or in the Wild. I will give you a travelling name now. When you go, go as Mr. Underhill."
The Fellowship of the Ring: "The Shadow of the Past," p. 72"Mr. Took and Mr. Brandybuck," said Frodo; "and this is Sam Gamgee. My name is Underhill."
The Fellowship of the Ring: "At the Sign of the Prancing Pony," p. 165
Frodo is the Halfling mentioned
in Boromir's dream.
There shall be shown a token
That Doom is near at hand,
For Isildur's Bane shall waken,
And the Halfling forth shall stand.
The Fellowship of the Ring: "The Council of Elrond," p. 259
Both Sam and Gollum referred to
Frodo as "Master" for different reasons: Sam, because he was Frodo's loyal
servant; Gollum, because Frodo was the "Master of the Precious," or the
bearer of the One Ring.
"I will serve the master of the Precious. Good master, good Smeagol, gollum, gollum!"
The Two Towers: "The Taming of Smeagol," p. 225
Frodo / Frodo of the Nine Fingers:
The ring-finger on Frodo's right
hand was bitten off by Gollum as they struggled for the Ring at the edge
of the Cracks of Doom. Sam wondered whether Frodo would be called by this
name in song; a minstrel of Gondor later fulfilled his wish.
"What a tale we have been in, Mr. Frodo, haven't we?" he said. "I wish I could hear it told! Do you think they'll say: Now comes the story of Nine-fingered Frodo and the Ring of Doom?"
The Return of the King: "The Field of Cormallen," p. 228-29"For I will sing to you of Frodo of the Nine Fingers and the Ring of Doom."
The Return of the King: "The Field of Cormallen," p. 232
Mayor of Michel Delving:
Frodo held this office from November
3019 through Mid-Year's Day in 3020.
Old Will Whitfoot had been in the Lockholes longer than any, and though he had perhaps been treated less harshly than some, he needed a lot of feeding up before he could look the part of Mayor; so Frodo agreed to act as his Deputy, until Mr. Whitfoot was in shape again. The only thing that he did as Deputy Mayor was to reduce the Shirriffs to their proper functions and numbers.
The Return of the King: "The Grey Havens," p. 301He resigned the office of Deputy Mayor at the Free Fair that mid-summer, and dear old Will Whitfoot had another seven years of presiding at Banquets.
The Return of the King: "The Grey Havens," p. 305
athan Harthad (Endurance beyond Hope):
In an early draft of "Many Partings,"
Gandalf gave this name to Frodo.
"... I name before you all Frodo of the Shire and Samwise his servant. And the bards and minstrels should give them new names: Bronwe athan Harthad and Harthad Uluithiad, Endurance beyond Hope and Hope Unquenchable."
The History of Middle-earth, vol. IX, Sauron Defeated: "Many Partings," p. 62
At the Field of Cormallen, Frodo
and Sam are praised in Sindarin:
Daur a Berhael, Conin en Annûn! Eglerio!The word daur used for Frodo is a lenited form of taur, meaning "noble."
(Frodo and Sam, Princes of the West, glorify them!)
The Return of the King: "The Field of Cormallen," p. 231
This is the Sindarin name for Frodo,
used for his namesake Frodo Gamgee in the King's
Letter quoted in the Epilogue found in The History of Middle-earth,
vol. IX, Sauron Defeated. It is derived from the words ior meaning
"old" and hael meaning "wise," and possibly denotes "wise elder"
or "venerable."
Maura Labingi:
This is the Hobbit name of Frodo
Baggins. (HoME, vol. XII, p. 48, 50)
Bingo Baggins:
In early drafts of The Lord of
the Rings, this was the name given to Frodo's character.
vol. VI)
All entries are Copyright © by the Thain from former tuckborough.net. Please contact me if you are Thain or know anything about how to contact the original author.
2003-2011, The Thain's Book - thainsbook.minastirith.cz
- e-mail: thain at tuckborough.net